Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd
Muwahhideen Publication has embarked on a concise study of the life of our beloved Prophet Muḥammad صلى الله عليه وسلم in years with our elder and Shaykh Abū Hakīm Bilāl Davis (May Allah preserve him). A highly beneficial and unique way of examining the events that occurred in the life of the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم, and one that is important for every level of student of knowledge in this religion. These series will be done in eight lessons over a period of eight days at Masjid ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbaas, Crown Point, Tobago In shāʾ Allāh
We ask Allāh to allow us to benefit and to implement the best of what we learn.
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In shāʾ Allāh Taʿālá
Wa Billāhi Tawfīq
Review the previous lessons below:
[Lesson 1] – The Introduction – The Years Prior To Prophethood
[61:03 Mins] - 30.08.2022
Below are a summary of the points covered in this lesson:
- The Benefits of Studying The Sīrah of The Prophet ﷺ
- A Look Into The Period of The Life of Prophet ﷺ Before Being Sent As A Messenger
- The History of The Prophets Found In Islām
- The Virtues of Islām
- The Birth of The Prophet ﷺ And The Events Which Occurred In The Same Year
- The Lineage of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Occurrence of Miracles At The Time of The Birth of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Mention of The Coming of The Prophet ﷺ In The Previous Scriptures
- The Early Stages In The Prophet’s ﷺ Life
- The Upbringing of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Wet Nurses of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Splitting of The Prophet’s ﷺ Chest At The Age of 4
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Guardians After The Death of His Mother At The Age of 6
- The Death of The Prophet’s ﷺ Grandfather At The Age of 8
- The Signs And Indications of Prophethood Seen On Muḥammad ﷺ At The Age of 12
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Witness of The Battle Between The Pre-Islāmic Arabs At The Age of 15
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Witness of The Pack of Fuḍūl At The Age of 19 Years
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Khadījah Bint Khuwaylid At The Age of 25
- The Placing of The Blackstone Done By The Prophet ﷺ With The Quraish At The Age of 35
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Seclusion In The Cave of Hira At The Age of 39
- The Occurrence of True Dreams Six Months Prior To Prophethood
- The Prophet’s First Revelation In The Cave of Hira At The Age of 40
- Muḥammad ﷺ Being Made A Prophet By The Verses In Sūrah Alaq
[Lesson 2] – Years One to Four After Prophethood
[61:03 Mins] - 31.08.2022
Below are a summary of the points covered in this lesson:
- Recap of The Previous Lesson
- The Most Important Years In The Prophet’s ﷺ Life
- The Difference of Opinions of The Scholars Regarding Certain Events In The Prophet’s Life
- The Phase of The Prophet’s ﷺ Seclusion In The Cave Hira Before The Receiving The Revelation
- The Time Period of The Break In Revelation
- The Prophetﷺ Seeing Jibrīl In His Actual Form
- The Story of Muḥammadﷺ Being Sent As A Messenger With The Verses of Sūrah Al-Muddaththir
- The Two Stages of Daʿwah
- The Secret Daʿwah
- The Public Daʿwah
- Allāh’s Command To His Prophet To Publicly Call The People To Islām
- The Revelation of Sūrah Al-Masad
- The Status of The Qu’rān
- The Seven Different Manners of The Revelation To The Prophet ﷺ
- In The Form of True Dreams
- Jibrīl Appearing In His Actual Form
- Jibrīl Approaching The Prophet ﷺ In A Form of A Man
- The Prophet ﷺ Receiving Revelation In A Form of Ringing of Bells
- The Prophet ﷺ Receiving Inspiration
- The Prophet ﷺ Receiving Revelation While He Was Above The Seven Heavens On The Night of Al-’Isrā’ Wal-Miʿrāj
- Allāh Speaking To Him Directly
- The Trials And Tribulations Faced By The Prophet ﷺ From The Quraysh
- The Persecution The Prophet ﷺ Received From The Quraysh
- The Incident of The Camel Intestines Thrown On The Back of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Supplication Against The Quraysh And The Punishments They Received From His Supplication
- The Story of Abdullāh Ibn Masʿūd’s First Encounter With The Prophet ﷺ
- The Story of The Family of ʿAmmār bin Yāsir And Their Patience Through The Harms They Received From The Quraysh
- The Story of Khabbāb ibn al-ʾAratt
- The Story of Bilāl ibn Rabāḥ Islām
- The Prophet ﷺ Sittings In Dārul-Arqam
[Lesson 3] – Years Four and Five After Prophethood
[52:39 Mins] - 01.09.2022
Below are a summary of the points covered in this lesson:
- The Twenty Three Year Period of Prophethood
- The Two Main Categories of Daʿwah In The Twenty Three Year Period of Prophethood
- The Period of Difficulties and Hardship Faced By The Prophet ﷺ And His Companions
- Allāh’s Command To His Prophet ﷺ For The First Hijrah (Migration) To Abyssinia In The 5th Year of Prophethood
- The Companions Who Made The Initial Hijrah
- The Plots of The Quraysh To The Abyssinia King To Return The Muslims Back To Makkah
- King Najāshī’s Acceptance of Islām And The Funeral Prayer Conducted By The Prophet ﷺ
- The Incident Which Cause The Return of The Muslims To Makkah
- The Debate Between ʿUtbah ibn Rabīʿah And The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ
- The Prophet’s Response To ʿUtbah Ibn Rabīʿah And The Revelation of Sūrah Fuṣṣilat
- The Story Behind The Revelation of Sūrah Al Kāfirūn
- The Manner Allāh Revealed The Verses of The Qu’rān To His Prophet ﷺ
- The True Methodology And Approach of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Story Regarding The Prophet’s Recitation of Sūrah An-Najm And The Prostration of The Kuffar of Makkah
- The Muslims Return To Abyssinia
- The Islām of Ḥamza Ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib And ʿUmar Ibn Al Khaṭṭāb
[Lesson 4] – Years Five to Ten After Prophethood
[63:52 Mins] - 02.09.2022
Below are a summary of the points covered in this lesson:
- Recap of The Previous Lessons (1-3)
- The Methods Used By The People of Deviation To Mislead & Turn The People Away From The Truth
- Beneficial Principles Which Will Aid An Individual Throughout His Life
- The Events Which Occurred In The 5th Year of Prophethood
- The Story of The Second Migration To Abyssinia
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Call In Makkah And The Harms He Faced
- The Different Strategies And Tricks Used By The Jews And The Disbelievers of Quraysh To Mislead The People Away From Islām
- The Miracle of The Splitting of The Moon
- The Events Which Occurred In The 6th Year of Prophethood
- The Islām of Ḥamza ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib & ʿUmar Ibn Al Khaṭṭāb
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Supplication For ʿUmar Ibn Al Khaṭṭāb’s Islām
- The Authentic Story of ʿUmar Ibn Al Khaṭṭāb’s Islām
- The Strength of Islām Through The Islām of ʿUmar Ibn Al Khaṭṭāb & Ḥamza ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib
- Events Surrounding The 7th Year of Prophethood
- The Boycott Which Occurred To Banū Hāshim And Bani ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib
- The Events Which Occurred In The 10th Year of Prophethood
- The Death of The Prophet’s ﷺ Uncle Abu Ṭālib
- The Death of Prophet’s ﷺ Wife Khadījah Bint Khuwaylid
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriages To ʿĀʾisha Bint Abī Bakr & Sawdah Bint Zamʿah
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Trip To Ṭāʾif And The Harms He Faced
[Lesson 5] – Years Ten to Thirteen After Prophethood
[55:15 Mins] - 03.09.2022
Below are a summary of the points covered in this lesson:
- Recap of Previous Lessons
- A Look Into The Events Which Occurred In The 10th Year of Prophethood
- The Miracle of The Prophet ﷺ Splitting The Moon
- The Story Behind The Revelation of The Verses From Sūrah Qamar
- The Hardships & Harms Faced by Prophet ﷺ In Ṭāʾif
- Allāh’s Command To His Prophet ﷺ To Give Da’wah To The Jinn
- The Incident of The Night of The Jinn
- The Story Behind The Revelation of The Verses From Sūrah Jinn
- The Jinns Response To The Prophet’s ﷺ Da’wah And Their Da’wah To Their Kind
- The Return of The Secret Da’wah For A Short Period of Time In Makkah
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Da’wah To The Pilgrims At Ḥajj On The 11th Year of Prophethood
- The Acceptance of The Prophet’s ﷺ Da’wah By The Tribes of Madīnah
- The Events Which Occurred On The 12th Year of Prophethood
- The Story of The Miraculous Night Journey (Al Isrā’ wal-Miʿrāj)
- The Prophet’s Prayer In Masjid Aqsa With The Prophets & Messengers
- The Revelation of The Obligation of The Five Daily Prayers
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Return From The Night Journey To Makkah
- The First Pledge of Allegiance Between The Prophet ﷺ And The Tribes of Madīnah ( Aws & Khazraj)
- The Events Which Occurred In The 13th Year of Prophethood
- The Second Pledge of Allegiance Between The Prophet ﷺ And The Tribes of Madīnah ( Aws & Khazraj)
- A Brief Mention of The Hijra of The Prophet ﷺ
[Lesson 6] – The Year Of The Hijrah To The 3rd Year After Hijrah
[74:40 Mins] - 04.09.2022
Below are a summary of the points covered in this lesson:
- The Events Which Occurred In The 1st Year of Hijrah
- The Reality of The Prophet’s ﷺ Da’wah
- The Permission Granted To The Prophet ﷺ To Migrate To Madīnah
- The Prophet ﷺ And Abū Bakr’s Migration To Madīnah
- The Plots of The Mushrikīn of Quraysh To Kill The Prophet ﷺ
- The Interaction of The Prophet With Various Types of People In Madīnah
- The Pursuit of The Quraysh For The Prophet ﷺ
- The Prophet And Abū Bakr’s Arrival And Entrance Into Makkah
- The Building of Masjid Qubāʾ
- The Virtues of Masjid Qubāʾ
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Promise To The People In Qubāʾ
- The Story Behind The Building of Al Masjid An-Nabawi (The Prophet’s Mosque)
- The Migration of The Prophet’s Family To Madīnah
- The Initial Revelation of The Prayer & The Change In The Affair
- The First Births And Deaths In Madīnah From The Anṣār And The Muhājirūn
- The Establishment of The Athān
- The Packs Which Occurred Between The Prophet ﷺ And The Jews
- The Beginnings of The Military Expedition
- The Strategies of War Used By The Prophet ﷺ
- The Events Which Occurred In The Second Year of Hijrah
- The Battles Which Occurred In Second Year of Hijrah
- The Change In The Prayer Direction To Makkah From Jerusalem
- The Story Behind The Changing of The Prayer Direction From Jerusalem To Makkah
- The Legislation On The Two Types of Zakāt
- The Legislation On Fasting
- The Initial Stages of Abrogation of Certain Verses
- The Death of Ruqayya Bint Muḥammad ﷺ
- The Legislation of Ṣalātul-Īd
- The Marriage of ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib & Fāṭimah Bint Muḥammad ﷺ
- The Legislation On Slaughtering For The Īd
- The Events Which Occurred In The 3rd Year of Hijrah
- The Wars And Expeditions In The Third Year of Hijrah
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Zainab bint Khuzaymah
- The Birth of Ḥasan ibn ʿAlī
- The Occurrence of The Battle of Uhud
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Zaynab bint Jaḥsh
- The Legislation On Ḥijāb For The Believing Women
- The Prohibition of Alcohol (Khamr)
[Lesson 7] – From The 2nd Year To The 4th Year After Hijrah
[66:15 Mins] - 05.09.2022
Below are a summary of the points covered in this lesson:
- The Events Which Occurred In The 3rd Year After Hijrah
- The Story of The Battle of Badr
- The Various Types of The Battle of Badr
- The Presence of The Angels At Badr
- The Strength of The Muslims Present At The Battle of Badr
- The Story Behind The Battle of Uhud
- The Injuries Which Occurred At Uhud
- The Death of The The Prophet’s ﷺ Uncle Ḥamza ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib
- The Martyrs At Uhud
- The Attack On The Prophet ﷺ At Uhud
- The Protection For The Prophet ﷺ Done By His Companions
- The Shayṭān’s Plot On The Battlefield At Uhud
- The Lessons And Benefits To Be Taken From The Battle of Uhud
- The Various Types of Battles After The Battle of Uhud
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Ḥafṣah Bint Umar Ibn al-Khaṭṭāb
- The Events Which Occurred In The 4th Year After Hijrah
- The Military Expeditions Which Occurred In The 4th Year After Hijrah
- The Breaking of The Pack Done By The Jews
- The Death of The Prophet’s ﷺ Daughter Ruqayyah Bint Muḥammad
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Umm Salamah
- The Prophet’s Commission To Zayd bin Thabit To Learn The Hebrew Language
[Lesson 8] – The 5th and 6th Year After Hijrah
[78:00 Mins] - 06.09.2022
Below are a summary of the points covered in this lesson:
- The Major Events Which Occurred In The 5th Year After Hijrah
- The Story of The Battle Banu Al-Muṣṭaliqh
- Allāh’s Aid To Muslims In Various Battles With The Disbelievers
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Juwayriyah Bint al-Ḥārith
- A Brief Look Into The Story of Al-Ifk (The lie That Was Forged Against ʿĀʾisha Bint Abī Bakr
- The Story Behind The Revelation of The Verses From Sūrah Al-Munāfiqūn
- The Story On The Battle of Al-Aḥzāb
- The Quraysh’s Eagerness To Destroy The Da’wah of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Jews Breaking Their Pack With The Prophet ﷺ
- The Miracles of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Story On The Battle of Banu Quraydhah
- The Events Which Occurred In The 6th Year After Hijrah
- The Legislation of The Rain Prayer (Ṣalātul-Istisqā’)
- The Story On The Treaty of Ḥudaybiyyah
- The Prophet ﷺ And His Companions Journey To Makkah For The Intention of Umrah
- The Pledge of Riḍwān
- The Legislation of Ḥajj
- The Prohibition Regarding The Muslim Women Marrying Non Muslim Men
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Letters To The Kings of Various Lands After 19 Years of Calling To Islām
- The Legislation of The Eclipse Prayer (Ṣalātul Khusūf)
[Lesson 9] – From The 7th Year After Hijrah To The Death of The Prophet
[103:34 Mins] - 07.09.2022
Below are a summary of the points covered in this lesson:
- The Occurrence of Events In The 7th Year After Hijrah
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Contract With The Jews
- The Return of The Muslims From Abyssinia To Madīnah
- The Islām of Abū Hurairah
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Umm Ḥabība & Ṣafīyyah bint Ḥuyayy
- The Jews Attempt To Poison The Prophet ﷺ
- The Occurrence of The Prophet’s ﷺ Miracle When Eating The Poisoned Meat
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Illness Which Resulted From Eating The Poisoned Meat
- The Revelation of The Verses of Tayammum
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Miracle Concerning Jābir’s Camel
- The Umrah of Ḥudaybiyyah (The Umrah Which Was Promised In The Contract of Ḥudaybiyyah)
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Maymūnah Bint Al-Ḥārith
- The Major Events In The 8th Year After Hijrah
- The 4 Major Battles In The 8th Year After Hijrah
- The Occurrence of 19 Raiding Expeditions The 8th Year After Hijrah
- The Islām of ʿAmr ibn al-ʿĀṣ , Khālid ibn al-Walīd & ʿUthmān ibn Ṭalḥa
- The Events Which Lead To The Breaking of The Treaty of Ḥudaybiyyah
- The Conquest of Makkah- The Opening of Makkah (Fatḥ Makkah)
- The Islām of Abū Sufyān & Al Abbās ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib
- The Islām of Ḥakīm ibn Ḥizām ( The Close Friend of The Prophet ﷺ)
- The Victory of The Muslims In The Conquest of Makkah During The Holy Month of Ramaḍān
- The Legislation of The Travel’s Prayer
- The Year of Delegations
- The Battle of Ḥunayn & Its Victory For The Muslims
- Lessons & Benefits Learnt From The Battle of Ḥunayn
- The Revelation of Verses Concerning The Battle of Ḥunayn
- Allāh’s Command To His Prophet ﷺ For The Battle of Ta’if
- The Birth of The Prophet’s ﷺ Son Ibrāhīm
- The Birth of The Prophet’s Granddaughter Umāma (Zainab’s Daughter)
- The Ḥajj of The Companions
- The Passing Away of The Prophet’s ﷺ Daughter Zainab
- The Revelation of Sūrah An-Naṣr
- The Events In The 9th Year After Hijrah
- The 8 Raiding Expeditions In The 9th Year After Hijrah
- The Islām of 16 Tribes
- The Battle of Tabuk And The Events Which Lead To It
- The Story And The Revelation of Verses Concerning Ka’b Ibn Mālik
- The Death of King Najāshī & The Prophet’s ﷺ Prayer Over Him
- Allāh’s Command To His Prophet ﷺ To Burn And Destroy Masjid Dirar
- The Ḥajj Pilgrimage Lead By Abū Bakr
- The Death of The Prophet’s ﷺ Daughter Umm Kulthūm
- The 19 Raiding Expeditions In The 9th Year After Hijrah
- The Major Events In The 10th Year After Hijrah
- The Occurrence of The 4 Raiding Expeditions In The 10th Year After Hijrah
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Last Iʿtikāf And His Last Recitation of The Qur’an To Jibrīl In The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Farewell Ḥajj (Ḥijjatu Al-Wadāʿ)
- The Revelation of Verse 3 In Sūrah Al-Māʾidah
- The Appearance of The False Prophet During The Life of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Islām of The People of Yemen
- The Death of The Prophet’s ﷺ Son Ibrāhīm
- The Major Events In The 11th Year After Hijrah (The Last Year of Prophethood)
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Visit And Supplication For The People In Al-Baqīʿ
- The Illness of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Last Sermon To His Companions And His Ummah
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Last Moments With His Wife ʿĀʾishah bint Abī Bakr
- The Passing Away of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Occurrence of Events After The Death of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Blessings of Allāh Upon His Servants After The Death of His The Prophet ﷺ
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