Weekly Audio Class: Explanation of The Book, “Removing The Blame From The (Four) Illustrious Imams” of Shaykh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah taught by Shaykh Muṣṭafā Mubram
Thursday, 04 January 2024
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd Muwahhideen Publication is pleased to announce another weekly class with the Noble Shaykh Muṣṭafā Mubram (may Allāh preserve him) on the explanation of the book, “Removing The Blame From The (Four) Illustrious Imams” by Shaykh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. The book is an excellent book for understanding the differences
- Published in Audio, Audio Class, Classes
Weekly Video Class: Explanation of The Book, “Important Lessons For Every Muslim” by Al-Shaykh Al-Imām ʿAbdulAzīz Ibn Bāz Taught by Abū Afnān Muḥammad ʿAbdullah
Thursday, 23 November 2023
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd Muwahhideen Publication is pleased to announce a series of LIVE video lessons in our simplified series taught by Abū Afnān Muḥammad ʿAbdullah on the explanation of the book, “Important Lessons For Every Muslim” authored Al-Shaykh Al-Imām ʿAbdulAzīz Ibn Bāz. This class was initiated by a group of honourable sisters
- Published in Abu Afnaan Muhammad, Classes, Creed and Beliefs, Events, Speaker, Topic, Video, Video Class
Weekly Audio Class: Lessons From The Biography of The Prophet ﷺ Taught by Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī
Friday, 23 June 2023
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd Muwahhideen Publication is pleased to announce a weekly class with the Noble Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī (may Allāh preserve him) on the authentic sīrah (biography) of The Prophet ﷺ The Shaykh is teaching from his own research and authentication. The Shaykh is from the well known mashāyikh of Aden, Yemen.
- Published in Audio, Audio Class, Classes, Events, Seerah, Shaykh Abu 'Ammaar 'Ali Hudhayfi, Speaker, Topic
Explanation of The Book of Fasting From From Dalīl at-Ṭālib of Shaykh Mar’i al Karmī al Hanbalī Taught by Abū Afnān Muḥammad
Tuesday, 14 March 2023
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd we at Muwahhideen Publication have began a series of video lessons with our noble teacher Abū Afnān Muḥammad ʿAbdullah, Graduate of Imam University Faculty of Shariah, in explaining Dalīl at Tālib Li Nayl al Matālib of Mar’i al Karmī al Hanbalī to prepare the Muslims for the upcoming blessed
- Published in Abu Afnaan Muhammad, Classes, Events, Ramadhaan, Speaker, Topic, Video, Video Class
Weekly Video Class – The Deviations of The Deobandiyyah in Creed and Action with Shaykh Kashif Khan
Saturday, 15 October 2022
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd we at Muwahhideen Publication have initiated a series of video lessons with our noble teacher Shaykh Kashif Khan to expound on the many deviations of the sect known as the Deobandis in their creed and actions. embarked on a concise study of the life of our beloved Prophet Muḥammad
- Published in Aqeedah, Creed and Beliefs, Events, Manhaj, Manhaj, Speaker, Topic, Video, Video Class
Weekly Audio Class with Shaykh ʿAlī al-Waṣīfī – Explanation of The Book Written by The Shaykh, “Beacons of Light From The Aqīdah of The People of Tawḥīd For Those Seeking Closeness To Their Lord”
Friday, 07 October 2022
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd Muwahhideen Publication is pleased to announce a weekly class with the Noble Shaykh ʿAlī al-Waṣīfī (may Allāh preserve him). The Shaykh is a from the well known mashāyikh of Ahl al-Sunnah in Egypt The Shaykh will be explaining a book that he has written himself entitled, Beacons of Light From The Aqīdah of The
- Published in Audio, Audio Class, Classes, Creed and Beliefs, Events, Shaykh 'Ali Waseefi, Speaker, Topic
Explanation of The Status of The Sunnah Written by Ash-Shaykh Al-Allāmah Ṣāliḥ-Fawzān Explained by Shaykh Abū Idrīs Muḥammad ibn Aslam Khān
Saturday, 25 June 2022
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd Muwahhideen Publication is pleased to host our noble brother and teacher, Shaykh Abū Idrīs Muḥammad ibn Aslam Khān (May Allah preserve him) at our Masjid ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbaas – Tobago Islamic Learning Centre. The Shaykh will go through a small booklet by Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan calle, “The Status of
- Published in Audio, Audio Class, Classes, Creed and Beliefs, Events, Shaykh Abu Idrees Muhammad Khan, Speaker, Topic
Daily Ramadhaan Reminders and Benefits With Our Noble Mashaaiykh and Teachers
Sunday, 03 April 2022
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd Muwahhideen Publication is pleased to announce daily Ramaḍān reminders with Our Noble Mashāiykh Shaykh ʿAwād ibn Sabtī al-ʿAnazī Shaykh Ṣalah Kantūsh al-ʿAdānī Shaykh Muṣṭafā Mubram Shaykh Abū Ḥakīm Bilāl Davis Shaykh Abū Idrīs Muḥammad Khan Shaykh Ḥasan Ṣomālī Shaykh Muṣṭafā George De Berry Ustādh Abū Afnān Muḥammad Each day for
- Published in Audio, Audio Class, Classes, Events, Ramadhaan, Topic, Video Class
Weekly Video Class – Important Issues Regarding Ramadhaan and Fasting from Bulūgh al-Marām by Abū Muʿādh Taqwīm Aslam
Sunday, 06 March 2022
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd Muwahhideen Publication is pleased to announce a pre-Ramaḍān video series of lessons in preparation for the blessed month. This series of lessons aims to instruct the Muslims on the important issues regarding Ramaḍān and fasting and make it easily applicable for those of all ages and levels. Abū Muʿādh
- Published in Abu Mua'adh Taqweem Aslam, Classes, Events, Ramadhaan, Speaker, Video, Video Class
Tafsīr of The Last Juz of The Qur’an by Shaykh Dr. Abdulillāh Lahmami
Tuesday, 12 October 2021
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd Muwahhideen Publication is pleased to announce a bi-weekly LIVE video lesson taught by Shaykh Dr. Abdulillāh Lahmami on the explanation the last juz of The Qur’an, in conjunction with The “Salafi Sisters of Trinidad Quran Support Group & Book Club” and “Ummahaatul Mu’mineen Institute.”
- Published in Classes, Events, Qur'an, Shaykh Dr. Abdulillah Lahmami, Speaker, Topic, Video, Video Class
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