Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd
Muwahhideen Publication is pleased to announce a series of LIVE video lessons in our simplified series taught by Abū Afnān Muḥammad ʿAbdullah on the explanation of the book, The Explanation of the Book Zād Al-Mustaqniʿ Fī Ikhtiṣār Al-Muqniʿ on the Section: Al-Sharh Al-Mumtiʿ Chapter: The Description Of The Prayer by Shaykh Muḥammad Ibn Ṣāliḥ Al-ʿUthaymīn (رحمه الله) This weekly video class will be via LIVE Video stream In Shāʾ Allāh.
So we invite our brothers and sisters to join us in this simplified this knowledge-based weekly class.
We ask Allāh to allow us to benefit and to implement the best of what we learn.
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In Shāʾ Allāh Taʿālá
Wa Billāhi Tawfīq
[Episode 1] – 10.01.2024
The Author’s Introduction and Lesson One of The Book and Benefits of Studying Ṣalāh
The following are the points covered in this lesson:
- How Should A Muslim Understand A Madh-hab?
- Statements Of The Imām’s Regarding Following The Madh-habs.
- The Student Starts With Small Books, Then Moves On To Bigger Books. The Definition Of A Summary (Mukhtaṣar):
- The Title of this book is : Bāb Ṣifat Al-Ṣalāh – The Chapter Entitled The Description of The Prayer.
- Some Benefits In Studying The Prayer. The Importance Of Praying How The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Prayed.
- The Physical Aspects Of The Prayer, Its Description And Sequence
- The Condition Of Our Hearts In The Ṣalāh Is The Most Important Aspect Of The Prayer.
- The Prayer Is One Of The Greatest Acts Of Worship In Terms Of Bringing A Servant Closer To The Pleasure Of Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى) And Gaining Reward from Allāh.
- Lack Of Concentration In The Prayer Reduces The Reward Of The Prayer.
- The Two Conditions For Any Act Of Worship To Be Accepted By Allāh
[Episode 2] – 31.01.2024
The Obligation of The Congregational Prayer For Men, Walking to The Prayer & Straightening The Rows
The following are the points covered in this lesson:
- The obligation of the congregational prayer for men.
- The manner of walking towards the prayer.
- One of the essential parts of walking toward the prayer is knowing that the prayer is an obligation.
- It is incumbent upon the individual walking towards the prayer to have sakīnah (tranquility) and waqār and carry themselves in an honorable and dignified manner.
- The benefits of walking to the prayer in tranquility.
- When a person should stand up for the prayer when the iqāmah is called.
- Straightening the rows for the prayer.
- What does straightening the rows entail?
[Episode 3] – 14.02.2024
Perfecting The Rows, The Best Rows For The Men, & The Affair of Children With Regard To The Prayer and In the Rows
The following are the points covered in this lesson:
- Perfecting and completing the rows and making the rows close.
- The meaning of the word Jamāʿah
- The person in the row should try to get as close to the Imām as possible
- The encouragement for older individuals to pray behind the Imām.
- The right side of the row is more favorable than the left side.
- The prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) did not say or order the Muslims to pray on the right side in every circumstance
- The best rows for men and the best rows for children.
- What are the best rows for children?
- The age of discernment for a child with regards to the prayer.
- If young children who have reached the age of discernment precede others to the first row, then they are more deserving of being in the front row than others.
- Two negative consequences of putting children in the back rows when the children are well mannered and want to pray in the front row.
- It is a weak statement to say that children cannot pray in the front row.
- If a person makes wuḍūʿ in the masjid, does he get the same reward as the person who made wuḍūʿ at home?
[Episode 4] – 21.02.2024
The Takbīrat Al-Iḥrām (The Opening Takbīr) and Its Description, Saying The Takbīr, and The Prayer of A Woman
The following are the points covered in this lesson:
- The initial Takbīr, Takbīr Al-Iḥrām
- Actions done in the prayer and their rulings.
- If a person intentionally leaves off a wājib or rukn of the prayer, his prayer is invalid.
- The Takbīrat Al-Iḥrām should be verbalized if a person is able.
- The statement of Allāhu Akbar is tawqifiyyah.
- Should a person say Allāhu Akbar if they do not know Arabic?
- The ruling regarding elongating the Takbīr.
- Raising the hands during the Takbīrat Al-Iḥrām is a sunnah (mustaḥab) action and not obligatory. (It is neither a rukn nor a wājib part of the prayer.
- The timing between verbalizing the Takbīr and raising of the hands.
- The Muslim should do different prescribed acts of worship at different times.
- The prayer of a woman is just like that of a man.
- Raising the hands during prayer is a way of glorifying Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى).
- Benefits of not repeating the same act of worship every time.
[Episode 5] – 18.12.2024
Continuation of The Takbīr Al-Iḥrām (The Opening Takbir) & The Audibility of The Takbīr, Using a Muballigh, Clasping The Hands and Where To Put Them
The following are the points covered in this lesson:
- Lesson 05: Continuing with the Takbīr Al-Iḥrām – how and when to raise the hands:
- The Audibility of the Imām’s Takbīr
- The Ruling on Using a Muballigh
- The Ruling on the Imām’s Takbīr being Loud
- The Ruling on Other Than the Imām’s Takbīr being Loud
- Clasping the Hands
- Ruling on Where to put the Hands: On the Chest of Below Navel
[Episode 6] – 08.01.2025
Where One Looks In The Prayer, Closing Eyes In Prayer and The Opening Supplication
The following are the points covered in this lesson:
- Where should the person look while they are praying.
- The prohibition of looking up during the prayer.
- Regarding closing the eyes during the prayer.
- Saying the Duʿā’ Al-Istiftāḥ– the opening supplication
- The explanation of ‘Subḥānak Allahumma Wa Biḥamdika.’
[Episode 7] – 15.01.2025
Rulings Regarding: The Istiʿādhah (Seeking Refuge With Allah), Basmalah – ‘Bismillāhi Ar-Raḥmāni Ar-Raḥīm’, and Sūrah Al-Fātiḥah
The following are the points covered in this lesson:
- Saying The Istiʿādhah In The Prayer:
- The Different Types Of Istiʿādhah:
- Saying The Basmalah – ‘Bismillāhi Ar-Raḥmāni Ar-Raḥīm’:
- The Linguistic & Legislative Benefit Of The Basmalah:
- The Basmalah Should Be Recited Silently:
- The Basmalah Is Not A Verse From Al-Fātiḥah:
- Reciting Al-Fātiḥah:
- Some Benefits Of Sūrah Al-Fātiḥah:
- The Reason Sūrah Al-Fātiḥah Is Called Umm Al-Qurʿān or Umm Al-Kitāb:Shaykh
- Shaykh Al-ʿUthaymīn’s (رحمه الله) opinion that Al-Fātiḥah is a rukn, even for the person praying behind the Imām.
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