Weekly Video Class – The Deviations of The Deobandiyyah in Creed and Action with Shaykh Kashif Khan
Saturday, 15 October 2022
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd we at Muwahhideen Publication have initiated a series of video lessons with our noble teacher Shaykh Kashif Khan to expound on the many deviations of the sect known as the Deobandis in their creed and actions. embarked on a concise study of the life of our beloved Prophet Muḥammad
- Published in Aqeedah, Creed and Beliefs, Events, Manhaj, Manhaj, Speaker, Topic, Video, Video Class
Video Podcast: Holding Firm to the Religion in Today’s World by Shaykh Ḥasan Ṣomālī
Wednesday, 16 March 2022
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd Muwahhideen Publications was pleased to host another LIVE Video Podcast Shaykh Ḥasan Ṣomālī, Imām of Masjid as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah in Germantown, Philadelphia, USA. Our Shaykh’s talk was a very important topic for every Muslim and Muslimah: Holding on to the religion, which is the path to paradise and the reality
- Published in Hasan Somali, Manhaj, Speaker, Topic, Video, Video Podcast