Seminar: Ramaḍān Lecture Series 1445/2024 Dubai, UAE with Shaykh Muṣṭafā George
Tuesday, 26 March 2024
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd MPUBS was honoured to be given the opportunity to live video stream the Ramaḍān lecture series 1445/2024 with Shaykh Muṣṭafá George (may Allāh preserve him) in Dubai. We ask Allāh The Mighty and Majestic to give us beneficial knowledge that manifests into righteous actions and place this effort in our
Explanation of The Book of Fasting From From Dalīl at-Ṭālib of Shaykh Mar’i al Karmī al Hanbalī Taught by Abū Afnān Muḥammad
Tuesday, 14 March 2023
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd we at Muwahhideen Publication have began a series of video lessons with our noble teacher Abū Afnān Muḥammad ʿAbdullah, Graduate of Imam University Faculty of Shariah, in explaining Dalīl at Tālib Li Nayl al Matālib of Mar’i al Karmī al Hanbalī to prepare the Muslims for the upcoming blessed
- Published in Abu Afnaan Muhammad, Classes, Events, Ramadhaan, Speaker, Topic, Video, Video Class
Video Lecture – Maximizing Ramaḍān By Following The Prophet ﷺ And The Salaf by Abū Afnān Muḥammad
Saturday, 16 April 2022
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd On Tuesday 29th March, 2021, on the eve of Ramaḍān, Muwahhideen Publications hosted a LIVE video lecture with our brother and teacher Abū Afnān Muḥammad. Ustādh Abū Afnān a graduate of Muhammad ibn Saud University – Faculty of Shar’iah. He is a student of the scholars and is well
- Published in Abu Afnaan Muhammad, Events, Ramadhaan, Speaker, Topic, Video, Video Lecture
Weekly Video Class – Important Issues Regarding Ramadhaan and Fasting from Bulūgh al-Marām by Abū Muʿādh Taqwīm Aslam
Sunday, 06 March 2022
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd Muwahhideen Publication is pleased to announce a pre-Ramaḍān video series of lessons in preparation for the blessed month. This series of lessons aims to instruct the Muslims on the important issues regarding Ramaḍān and fasting and make it easily applicable for those of all ages and levels. Abū Muʿādh
- Published in Abu Mua'adh Taqweem Aslam, Classes, Events, Ramadhaan, Speaker, Video, Video Class