Pivotal Excerpt
❝So I do not advise anybody from the Muslims to attend anything from this so-called Aḥmed Jibrīl, or to sit around him in any shape or form or to take from him. I do not feel safe for our men and our young to sit around him in any shape or form or to take from him. I do not feel safe for our men and our young people to take any knowledge from such an individual❞
Question and Answer (Arabic/ English) [9:00 Mins]
Our Shaykh may Allāh preserve you and bless you. If you please, we have a man in America named Aḥmad Jibrīl who is calling the Salafis by the name of Yahud al-Qibla or the Jews of al-Qibla, and refuge is sought from Allāh. Aḥmad Jibrīl also praised some of the heads of Da’ish and ISIS, as they call them in the West.
Aḥmad Jibrīl claims that he memorized the six books of Ḥadīth as well as the Musnad of Imām Aḥmad I believe. Consequently, some of the people have been deceived by him and wanted to take knowledge from him.
What is your advice to people who see this man to be qualified to teach knowledge or qualified for people to take knowledge from?
And what is your advice to the Muslims in general regarding that man and the likes of him? Wa jazākumullāhu khayran. May Allāh reward you.
1.) Whoever praises Dā’ish first and foremost, the least we can say about him is that he is from the most ignorant of the people. We are not going to say that he is ignorant. Rather we are going to say he is from the most ignorant of the people because the issue of Dā’ish is well known to the Muslims as well as the non-muslims across the board.
The issue of Dā’ish is known to the Muslims and the non-Muslims across the board. Again, we are going to regard this man, Ahmed Jibrīl, as being from the most ignorant of the people. That is the least you can say about him, because he praises Dā’ish and he praises ISIS.
Tell me who does not know the crimes of Dā’ish or ISIS? We are going to mention quite a few points of criticism regarding both groups.
Problems With Dā’ish And ISIS
Dā’ish was made up by the disbelievers. Dā’ish is a product of the plotting of the disbelievers. The disbelievers actually produced, promoted and made them up to defame Islām, and to make Islām look bad or to portray the religion of Islām in a bad light.
The disbelievers put Dā’ish together to destroy the societies of the Muslims.
Dā’ish was made to attract the young Muslims to a particular land so they can destroy and kill them. Dā’ish was made to tear up the young Muslims. This is amongst other things that they have done for those who have failed to plot for ISIS or Dā’ish.
In reality Dā’ish does nothing but portray Islām clearly in a very bad light as well as defame Islām and the Sunnah. Yet you hear Dā’ish saying, ‘we are the people of Sunnah, and we are upon Tawḥīd, we are upon monotheism.’ In reality they are very far away from Tawḥīd, they are very far away from monotheism.
2.) If Dā’ish were upon any form of Tawḥīd, they would have abolished all the graves and shrines and destroyed them and leveled them to the ground in any land they were in charge of. This is because the people actually worship those graves and shrines along with Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى). Keep in mind that this action is actually from the actions of the Muslim ruler. It is not for those who are under the Muslim ruler. In other words, the Muslim ruler is the one in charge of leveling the shrines and the graves that are worshipped alongside or other than Allāh. Yet you find Dā’ish in the lands that they are in charge of, leaving those graves and shrines. There are huge graves and shrines that are well known in the land of Iraq up until now, yet they went and destroyed well known historical sites that may have idols in them that are not being worshipped, just for the sake of instigating hatred and enmity of organizations and societies that defend historical sites.
3.) Dā’ish went to the sources of oil in Iraq and other than Iraq and Syria, i.e, the oil refineries and tanks that hold the oil and helped transport and sell that oil to Turkey. Turkey then turned around, after taking that oil from Iraq and sold it to the Jews in Tel Aviv. In other words, Dā’ish is helping Turkey and became a main source of oil for the Jews in Tel Aviv via some harbor that we cannot remember in Turkey.
4.) Dā’ish used to go to places where the Shīʿah lived alongside the Sunnis in peace and went as far as killing the young and old amongst the Shīʿah. In turn, the Shīʿah started fighting and killing the people of Sunnah. Even though, before Dā’ish or ISIS came to those lands, the Shīʿah and Sunnis lived alongside one another in safety.
5.) Dā’ish is upon the Takfir of Al-Ḥukkām, – declaring the Muslim rulers, as well as entire Muslim nations, even entire Muslim armies to be out of Islām (to be disbelievers). They throw them out of Islām altogether. They even attack the Daʿwah or the call of Imām Muḥammad Ibn ʿAbdul Wahhāb, amongst other scholars that are known to have called to Tawḥī
6.) Dā’ish or ISIS is nothing but a criminal gang that has been, started, supplied and supported by the intelligence agencies of the disbelievers. They were started by different intelligence organizations from disbelieving lands from all over the world.
As for his speech accusing the people of Sunnah saying that they are the Yahūd of the Qiblah, The Jews of the Qiblah, in reality we do not know that anyone made such a statement, except the people of Sunnah saying that regarding the people of bidʿah and innovations. Meaning, the people of Sunnah used to give that name for example to Al-Rāfiḍah, the extreme sect of Shīʿah, as well as the Murjiʿah amongst others. They would call them Yahud Al-Qiblah. It is a term or name given by the people of Sunnah to some of the people of innovations. The fact that he says this about the people of Sunnah tells me he is Khabīth and I apologize for using that word. (Khabīth, for lack of a better translation, means wicked beyond any limit).
I do not think this person is honest in any shape or form regarding the claim that he memorized the six books of Ḥadīth, let alone any other books. The Shaykh mentioned an example that happened during the time of his Shaykh, Shaykh Muqbil (رحمه الله). A person came to Shaykh Muqbil claiming that he memorized the six books of Ḥadīth. Later on it became clear to Shaykh Muqbil amongst others that the person who made that claim was a liar and he was not honest about that.
So I do not advise anybody from the Muslims to attend anything from this so-called Aḥmed Jibrīl, or to sit around him in any shape or form or to take from him. I do not feel safe for our men and our young to sit around him in any shape or form or to take from him. I do not feel safe for our men and our young people to take any knowledge from such an individual.
The post Advice To The Muslims Regarding The Individual Aḥmed Mūsá Jibrīl by Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī al- ‘Adanī appeared first on Questions & Answers.
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