- Introduction: The Basmalah And Making Duʿā’ For The Reader.
- Asking Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى) To Grant You The Greatest Of Things
- Al-Ḥanīfiyah – The Religion Of Ibrāhīm (عليه السلام).
- The Linguistic Root Of Al-Ḥanīf
- Allāh Created Us To Worship Him Alone & Not Associate Partners With Him.
- Jinn And Human Beings Are Mukallaf – Morally Responsible.
- Worship Is Only Considered True Worship When The Person Worships Allāh Alone.
- Worshiping Allāh Alone Is A Heavy Responsibility.
- Human Beings And Jinn Accepted The Moral Responsibility Of Worshiping Allāh.
- Shirk Ruins And Nullifies Every Act Of Worship.
- Allāh Only Accepts Acts Of Worship That Have No Shirk In Them.
- The First Principle: Acknowledging That Allāh Is The Creator Is Not Enough.The
- Second Principle: The disbelievers and people of misguidance say that Allāh cannot be approached directly.
- There are two types of intercession.
- Intercession that is negated (not allowed)
- Intercession that is affirmed (allowed)
- There are two types of intercession.
- The Third Principle: The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Did Not Differentiate Between Different Kinds Of Shirk. Shirk Is Shirk No Matter What Is Worshiped.
- Worshiping Others Besides Allāh Is Pointless.
- Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى) Is The Only One Who Can Decree Harm And Benefit.
- The Fourth Principle: The People Of Shirk Are More Severe In Their Shirk In Modern Times.
- Conclusion
Explanation of Al-Qawaaʿid Al-Arbaʿa (The Four Fundamentals of Shirk) Taught by Shaykh Saalim Baamihriz
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd
Muwahhideen Publication is pleased to have organized and participated in a one-class, intensive, condensed yet comprehensive explanation of the book, Al-Qawāʿid Al-Arbaʿ (The Four Fundamentals of Shirk) authored by Shaykh ul Islām Muḥammad Ibn ʿAbdul Wahhāb (رحمه الله) taught by our noble Shaykh Sālim Bāmiḥrīz (حفظه الله) This video class was conducted via LIVE Video stream
We ask Allāh to allow us to benefit and to implement the best of what we learn.
Wa Billāhi Tawfīq
The following are the points covered in this lesson:
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