Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd
On Sunday 26th of Shawwal, 1444 A.H. corresponding to 19th March, 2023 C.E. our Shaykh Abū Idrīs Muḥammad Khān (May Allāh preserve him) delivered a superbly encouraging lecture for Mpubs and Masjid ul Khaleefah sistters’ tea party in preparation from Ramaḍān.
LISTEN [34:11 Mins]
- A Beautiful Reminder For The People of Īmān
- The Importance of Taqwá
- The Virtues of Ramaḍān
- The Importance On The Preparation of Ramaḍān
- Narrations Regarding The Virtues of Ramaḍān
- The Du’ā of The Salaf Before And After The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Rewards Available For Servants In The Month of Ramaḍān
- Having The Correct Mind-set For The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Call That Occurs In The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Opening of The Doors of Paradise In The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Freeing of The Slaves From The Hell-fire That Occurs Every Night In The Month of Ramaḍān
- Ramaḍān Being A Time For A Real Change
- The Categories of People’s Hearts
- The Admonition For The One Who Wastes Ramaḍān
- Capitalizing In The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Sunnah of The Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ Before The Entrance of Ramaḍān
- The Virtues of Fasting Regularly
- The Benefits Found In Fasting
- Protecting One’s Ramaḍān From All Types of Evil
- The Obligation On Safeguarding One’s Ramaḍān
- Losing One’s Reward From Fasting And Standing In Night Prayers
- Purifying Oneself For Ramaḍān
- The Wisdoms Behind Fasting
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