Pivotal Quotes
❝…the people of Sunnah, they have to be happy with the fall of that Nuṣayrī system because that system was based upon the beliefs of the Shīʿah al-Bāṭiniyyah – the hidden kind of Shīʿah who stole this blessed land. We are happy that the system of Bashār al-Assad is destroyed. There is no difference amongst the people of Sunnah regarding the fact that this man is gone along with his family. We ask Allāh, the Lord of the Almighty Throne, not to return him to Syria or to any other Muslim land. Amīn.❞
❝…There was so much blood that was shed, so much destruction on the land and sea, so many refugees were displaced and there was so much crisis and explosions under the claws of the so-called Arab Spring. In reality, all revolutions always start on the wrong foot. They never start in a way that is optimistic. All revolutions start in a pessimistic manner. The people of the Sunnah never agreed with any so-called revolution in any shape or form. The fact that Ahlus-Sunnah did not agree with the revolution was not out of love for the Nuṣayrī system that was already in charge of Syria, but we have to understand that the Muslims are weak and could not play a role in getting rid of the system that was taking place there in❞
Question and Answer (Arabic/ English) [30:00 Mins]
What is the correct position of the believer regarding what is happening in Syria, where we gather between feeling happiness for the oppressor being gone, and fearing the leadership of the Khawārij and the Renegades. May Allāh reward you.
The Shaykh (Ḥafiẓahu Allāh) began with the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allāh, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allāh, Muḥammad (ﷺ), his family and companions. The subject of Syria has to be addressed from different directions and different parts which are not all equal or on the same level.
Firstly, we recognize the fall of Bashār Al-Assad and we are pleased with it:
The first way to address this issue is in regard to the fall of the system that was based upon Nuṣayriyyah – the system of Bashār Al-Assad. When it comes to the honorable Muslims – the people of Sunnah, they have to be happy with the fall of that Nuṣayrī system because that system was based upon the beliefs of the Shīʿah al-Bāṭiniyyah – the hidden kind of Shīʿah who stole this blessed land. We are happy that the system of Bashār al-Assad is destroyed. There is no difference amongst the people of Sunnah regarding the fact that this man is gone along with his family. We ask Allāh, the Lord of the Almighty Throne, not to return him to Syria or to any other Muslim land. Amīn.
Secondly, even though we are pleased with this defeat, we must pay attention to the great fitna these types of revolutions have caused:
The second point is regarding who is currently in charge in Syria, and how they went about taking down the system. As the Shaykh (Ḥafiẓahu Allāh) said, these trials started about 13 years ago, to be specific – in the year 2011 Gregorian, under the famous, deceiving title, the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. In reality, it was more like a ‘Zionist-Jewish Spring,’ because in that so-called Spring that started back in 2011, Muslim nations suffered from great calamities and disasters. There was so much blood that was shed, so much destruction on the land and sea, so many refugees were displaced and there was so much crisis and explosions under the claws of the so-called Arab Spring. In reality, all revolutions always start on the wrong foot. They never start in a way that is optimistic. All revolutions start in a pessimistic manner. The people of the Sunnah never agreed with any so-called revolution in any shape or form. The fact that Ahlus-Sunnah did not agree with the revolution was not out of love for the Nuṣayrī system that was already in charge of Syria, but we have to understand that the Muslims are weak and could not play a role in getting rid of the system that was taking place there in Syria. This is regarding the present-day land of Syria.
It is not permissible to oppose the Muslim rulers:
As for countries like Yemen and Egypt that are ruled by Muslim rulers, it is not permissible in any shape or form to go against them. This is according to a fundamental principle in the religion of Allāh. We cannot go against any Muslim ruler in charge of any Muslim land.
The Ikhwān al-Muslimūn behind this revolution have caused many calamities over the last 13 years in the name of Islām:
With regards to the Nuṣayrī system that existed in Syria, the way things occurred, i.e. their defeat – the way in which they strove in making sure it was gone was actually a great mistake. Why? – Because of the Muslim Brotherhood who was behind it – al-Ikhwān al-Muslimūn. Al-Ikhwān al-Muslimūn have caused so many calamities in the name of the religion amongst the Muslims. More than 4 or 5 million Syrians had to leave their lands and run for their lives. More than half a million Syrians were killed on their land, and the reality is that the numbers are much bigger than that – but we are just mentioning the statistics here. What happened to them over the last 13 years was a great harm. The Shaykh (Ḥafiẓahu Allāh) said that the kind of destruction that Syria faced over the past 13 years has never happened to those lands before, throughout history.
The main reason behind this is that Al-Ikhwān Al-Muslimūn / The Muslim Brotherhood are callers to fitnah – trials and tribulations, wa aʿūdhu billāh. They are callers for blood to be shed. This is actually the reality of Al-Ikhwān Al-Muslimūn. As seen in Syria, they take bloodshed very lightly. They have no value for the blood of any human being whatsoever, as long as they fulfill their goals, even while letting the worst corruption happen on earth.
The Ikhwān al-Muslimūn are hypocritical in how they deal with these revolutions:
The Muslim Brotherhood were hypocrites in the way they dealt with these systems. Here, we are talking about hypocrisy that is based upon action and not the hypocrisy of belief. An example of this is Yūsuf Al-Qarḍāwī himself, one of the leaders of Al-Ikhwān Al-Muslimūn – visited Bashār at one time and he also visited Qadhāfī in ʿIrāq at another time. Al-ʿArīfī did the same thing – he visited the previous system in Syria and ʿIrāq as well as Salmān al-ʿAwdah. However, when they realised that the revolution had changed things to a different direction, then they also changed – they changed their colors. The so-called leaders of The Muslim Brotherhood have committed huge crimes upon Muslim nations that can never be forgiven. This is why striving to bring down any system of rulership is a grave mistake.
The Scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah have always dealt with the calamities befalling the Muslims with wisdom and patience:
It is never from the way of Ahlus-Sunnah to strive in bringing down any system that is in charge of a country. Why do we say this? Because we do not want the people to forget the great destruction and corruption that took place over the last 13 years in Syria. The scholars of the Sunnah knew exactly what was going on for generations and were dealing with the calamities of the Muslims in Syria with patience and wisdom. If you look at the history of the people of Sunnah and how the scholars, for example, dealt with Al-Qarāmiṭah in Yemen and Al-Bāṭiniyyah in Egypt – they were patient and commanded the Muslims to be patient, and dealt with it with wisdom and legislated politics. Not the politics that we know nowadays. Then came strong sunni militaries, like Ṣalāḥuddīn (raḥmatullāhi ʿalayh). He helped defeat the system of Al-ʿUbaydiyūn Al-Ismāʿliyyah that was in charge of Egypt and the surrounding area, by the virtue of Allāh.
Can we trust the Syrian ‘rebel’ Abū Moḥammad al- Jūlāni?
As for the so-called Abū Moḥammad Al-Jūlāni who is currently in Syria nowadays, or Golānī depending on what you call him, and the likes of him, are they really deserving of any kind of praise or thanks or promotion? No! Because in reality, if it was not for the green light given to him from the major world powers, he would never have done what he did in Syria. These so-called major world powers gave up on Bashār Al-Assad because lately he was refusing to do what they were asking him to do. So they had to give up on him. And that is why Jūlānī, finding the green light from the major powers, pulled off his move and did what he did.
How al- Jūlāni changed from a terrorist to a so called ‘political activist’:
In the beginning, al-Jūlānī (al-Golānī) was actually representing one of the factions of al-Qāʿidah, also known as ad- Dāʿish. After some time, he was asked by some international entities to give up the so-called terrorism of al-Qāʿidah and instead change to politics. So he changed to politics. He changed his skin from a terrorist leader to a so-called political activist based upon the orders he was given. And who changed him? It was the international entities that asked him to change his skin, his looks and his ways. That is why he changed.
Furthermore, in the beginning, al-Jūlānī never showed his face to any camera whatsoever. Rather, whenever he did an interview, back in the day, he would give his back to the camera. Nowadays, you see him on the screens, everywhere he goes, showing himself and being happy with that. And again, he was only able to pull off the move of taking over the system in Syriah, only after he made certain promises to certain international entities.
As you probably know, Syria has forces from Russia and from the U.S., amongst other countries. Just a few days ago, he himself, Jūlānī, openly said, “We have no capacity to fight the country of Isrāʾīl / The Zionists!” But the question is: Did you ever have any capacity to fight it in the first place? Even the system of Bashār!? – No! So with that youthful or haphazard way of thinking, and with this corruption, and without returning to the scholars, do you think he will ever prevail as a Muslim? No! This is a problem here, dear brothers and sisters, that these people do not return to the scholars of the Sunnah. Yet, we are happy that Bashār is gone, wa lillāhil ḥamd. We know from the people of the Sunnah and the scholars of the Sunnah:
Any effort done on behalf of the Muslims that excludes the scholars of the Sunnah will be void of barakah:
As we know from the people of the Sunnah and the scholars of the Sunnah, any effort that is done on behalf of the Muslims that excludes the scholars of the Sunnah, you will see the results of that in days if not weeks. Jūlānī and the likes of him never asked for advice from the scholars about their actions. They never consulted the scholars of the Sunnah. They never bothered with what the sharīʿah states in the first place and what the correct understanding of the Sharīʿah is. So in other words, do not ever expect any good from these likes.
Lastly, another side that we have to deal with is the fact the land of Syria will be divided into different lands or different countries, wa ʿiyyādhu billāh. We ask Allāh the Almighty to be gentle with these lands and take care of the lands of Syria and the people of Syria. Jūlānī or other than him will not be able to prevent all these conspiracies that are taking place regarding the land of Syria. And as the Shaykh (Ḥafiẓahu Allāh) said, when there are so many political sides to the story, the likes of Jūlānī open the door for everybody, regardless of their belief, to fight for the control of the land of Syria and compete amongst one another to rule the lands of Syria. This is why the people of Sunnah say there is no barakah, no blessings in any action of the believer, except after returning to the scholars of the Sunnah. Al-barakah – the real blessing, the real success, can only happen after you consult the real scholars of the sunnah, and not the scholars of ḥizbiyyah or partisanship or other than them that are well-known nowadays, wa al ʿiyyādhu billāh.
Wallāhu Taʿālá Aʿlam.
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