Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd
On Sunday 11th April, 2021, Muwahhideen Publications hosted the Noble Shaykh Dr. Muwaffaq ibn Ḥusayn al-Jabūrī (May Allāh preserve him) from the senior Mashāyikh of Irāq who delivered an immensely beneficial video lecture summarizing the revelation of the the Qur’an upon the seven modes of recitation. Some of the beneficial points covered by the Shaykh are:
- What is knowledge and how it was revealed.
- Giving daʿwah and knowing your audience.
- Orientalists and their attempt to corrupt Allāh’s book.
- The Qur’ān was revealed upon seven modes of recitation: its proof and benefits.
- Ḥadīth of Umar pertaining to the different modes of recitation.
- Different viewpoints of the seven modes of recitation – 2 opinions.
- Differences in the seven modes with examples from the Qur’ān Qur’ān.
- The difference between the seven modes and seven styles of recitation.
- The seven styles of recitation and how the Mushaf was compiled.
- The seven styles of recitation with Qur’anic examples.
O Allāh! Benefit us with what You have taught us, teach us what will benefit us and provide us with knowledge that will benefit us.
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