Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ‘alā Rasūlillāh ‘amma ba’d
Muwahhideen Publications has organized a webinar with our noble mashāyikh for the Muslims in the Caribbean Islands of Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Barbados, Martinique and Haiti. The theme of the webinar is, “The People of The Sunnah Adorn Themselves With The Best Moral Character.” The webinar is from Friday 13th – Sunday 15th August, 2021. The mashāyikh that are participating are Al-Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullāh al Bukhārī, Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Sulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī and Shaykh Dr. ‘Arafāt ibn Ḥasan al-Muḥammadī
See the flyer for the detailed schedule of lecture titles, days and times.
The lectures will be translated LIVE into English, French and French Creole In shā` Allāh.
Tune in Online via:
Radio 1:
Mixlr ID: Radio Mpubs 1 (
Inshā` Allāh Ta’ālā
Wa Billāhi Tawfīq
Wa BārakAllāhu Fīkum
Wa ṢallAllāhu wa Sallam wa Bārak ‘alā Nabiyyinā Muḥammad wa ‘alā Ālihi wa Ṣaḥbihi wa Sallam
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