Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd
Muwahhideen Publication is pleased to announce a weekly class with the Noble Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī (may Allāh preserve him) on the authentic sīrah (biography) of The Prophet ﷺ The Shaykh is teaching from his own research and authentication. The Shaykh is from the well known mashāyikh of Aden, Yemen. O Allāh! Benefit us with what You have taught us, teach us what will benefit us and provide us with knowledge that will benefit us.
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Wa Billāhi Tawfīq
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Name of Speaker: Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī للشيخ أبي عمار علي الحذيفي
Country of Speaker: Yemen اليمن
Category: Sīrah السيره
Class 01 – لدرس الأول [43:01 mins]
Date: 28th Dhū Al-Qiʿdah 1444 AH (17th June, 2023 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Introduction To The Sīrah of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Foundations of The Sīrah
- Definitions of The Term Sīrah
- The Importance of Studying The Sīrah
- The Benefits of Studying The Sīrah
- The Difference Between Sīrah And Ḥadīth
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Class 02 – الدرس الثاني [63:17 mins]
Date: 6th Dhūl Hijjah 1444 AH (23rd June, 2023 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Benefits of Studying The Sīrah of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Two Main Sources Connected To The Sīrah
- The Different Methodologies The Scholars Follow With Regards To The Sīrah of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Importance of Knowing Historical Factors And The Conditions of The People of Ignorance
- The Pitfalls of The Ikhwān al-Muslimīn
- The Intentions of Deviant Groups And Taking The Incidents of The Sīrah Out of Context
- The Importance of Taking The Sīrah From The Correct Sources
- The Categories of People With Regards To Rejecting The Sīrah
- The Different Styles of Writing The Sīrah From The Scholars
- The Different Terminologies Used For The Sīrah
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Class 03 – الدرس الثالث [33:04 mins]
Date: 19th Dhūl-Ḥijjah 1444 AH (8th July, 2023 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Explanation of The Terminologies Specific To The Sīrah Used By The Scholars of Islāmic History
- The Importance On Knowing The Difference Between The Terminologies
- The Three Categories of Arabs Before Islām
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Lineage
- The Difference of Opinions of The Scholars Regarding The Categories of The Arabs
- The Offspring of The Khawārij
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Class 04 – الدرس الرابع [65:13 mins]
Date: 18th Muḥarram 1445 AH (5th August, 2023 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The Authentic Lineage of The Prophet Muḥammadﷺ
- The Agreement of The Scholars of The Prophet’s Lineage
- Statements From The Salaf Regarding The Prophet’s ﷺ Lineage
- The Uncles And Aunties of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Incident of ʿAdul Muṭṭalib’s Vow To Slaughter One of His Sons
- The Marriage of The Prophet’s ﷺ Parents
- The Death of The Prophet’s ﷺ Father
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Class 05 – الدرس الخامس [49:10 mins]
Date: 25th Muḥarram 1445 AH (12th August, 2023 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The Difference of Opinions From The Scholars Regarding The Death of The Prophet’s ﷺ Father
- The Agreement of The Prophet’s ﷺ Upbringing as An Orphan
- The Difference of Opinions Regarding The Date of Birth of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Difference of Opinions Regarding The Day of The Prophet’s ﷺ Birth
- The Agreement of The Scholars Concerning The Time of The Prophet’s ﷺ Birth
- The Correct Opinion On The Year of The Prophet’s ﷺ Birth
- The Story of Abrahah And The Elephants
- The Issue Regarding The Prophet ﷺ Being Born Circumcised
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Class 06 – الدرس السادس [33:17 mins]
Date: 2nd Ṣafar 1445 AH (19th August, 2023 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The Affair of The Prophet’s ﷺ Birth
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Upbringing As An Orphan
- The Midwife of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Wet Nurses of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Siblings of The Prophetﷺ Through
- The Great Wisdoms Behind The Prophetﷺ Being Born As An Orphan
- Allāh’s Inspiration To The Prophet ﷺ Grandfather
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Class 07 – الدرس السابع [30:18 mins]
Date: 9th Ṣafar 1445 AH (26th August, 2023 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The Upbringing of The Prophet ﷺ In The Desert
- The Reasons And Benefits The Arabs Used To Send Their Children To The Deserts
- The Incident of The Opening of The Prophet’s ﷺ Chest
- The Occasions of The Splitting of The Prophet’s ﷺ Chest
- The Methodology of Ahul- Sunnah With Authentic Narrations
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Class 08 – الدرس الثامن [38:48 mins]
Date: 23rd Ṣafar 1445 AH (9th September, 2023 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The Incident of The Opening of The Prophet’s ﷺ Chest
- The Occasions of The Splitting of The Prophet’s ﷺ Chest
- The Death of The Prophet’s ﷺ Mother At The Age of 6
- The Guardians of The Prophet ﷺ After The Death of His Mother
- The Prophet’s ﷺ First Trip To Al-Shām With His Uncle Abū Ṭālib
- The Story of The Monk In Shām
- The Difference of Opinions of The Scholars Regarding The Story of The Monk In Shām
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Class 09 – الدرس التاسع – [43:23 mins]
Date: 9th Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal 1445 AH (24th September, 2023 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The Travel of The Prophet ﷺ To Shām For Khadījah
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Second Trade Trip For Khadījah To The Outskirts of Makkah
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Khadījah
- Khadījah’s Age At The Time of Marriage To The Prophet ﷺ Agreed By The Scholars
- Authentic Narrations Regarding The Proposal of The Prophet ﷺ To Khadījah
- The Virtues of Khadījah Over Other Women
- The Correct Order of The Prophet’s ﷺ Children
- The Marriages of The Prophet’s ﷺ Daughters
- The Death of The Prophet’s ﷺ Children
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Class 10 – الدرس العاشر – [34:40 mins]
Date: 28th Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal 1445 AH (12th November, 2023 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Quraysh Rebuilding The Kaʿbah.
- When the prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) reached the age of thirty five, he witnessed the rebuilding of the Kaʿbah
- Quraysh rebuild the Kaʿbah by using only money that was ḥalāl – permissible Quraysh rebuilt the Kaʿbah on the foundation of Ismāʿīl (عليه السلام)..
- Quraysh Had To Keep Al-Ḥijr Outside The Kaʿbah.
- The Dispute Over Who Should Place The Black Stone.
- Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Told Each Tribe To Carry The Black Stone.
- The prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) had the honor of placing the Black Stone where it is now.
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Class 11 – الدرس الحادي عشر – [27:55 mins]
Date: 18th Jumād Al-Awwal 1445 AH (2nd December, 2023 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The Prophethood And Messengership of Muḥammad ﷺ
- Proofs & Evidences Regarding The Truth of Prophethood
- The Categories of Evidences Concerning The Prophethood & Messengership of Muḥammad ﷺ
- The NumerousScholarly Works Regarding The Evidences of Prophethood And Messengership of Muḥammad ﷺ
- Factors Causing People To Reject The Evidences Regarding The Truth of Prophethood & Messengership of Muḥammad ﷺ
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Class 12 – الدرس الثاني عشر – [37:27 mins]
Date: 24th Jumād Al-Awwal 1445 AH (9th December, 2023 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The beginning of the revelation
- When the prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) reached the age of forty, the Revelation started to come down upon him.
- Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) became a prophet on the day of Monday.
- There is a difference of opinion regarding the month that the Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) became a prophet.
- The first verse of the Qur’ān that was revealed.
- Allāh Made Seclusion Beloved To The Prophet.
- Jibrīl (عليه السلام) came to Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) in the cave of Ḥirā’
- The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) returned to Khadījah (رضى الله عنها) in fear.
- Khadījah’s (رضى الله عنها) cousin Waraqah Bin Nawfal informed Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) that he was a prophet.
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Class 13 – الدرس الثالث عشر – [14:46 mins]
Date: 24th Jumād Al-Akhir 1445 AH (6th January 2024 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The Descent of Jibrīl After The First Revelation Given To The Prophetﷺ
- The Difference of Opinions Amongst The Scholars Regarding The Prayer Before The The Night Journey of Isrāʾ wa al-Mi’rāj
- Statements From The Salaf Regarding The Categories of Prayer Before The Night Journey of Isrāʾ wa al-Mi’rāj
- The Correct Opinion Regarding The Prayer
- The Angels Magnificent Praise of Allāh In The Heavens
- The Situation of The Shayāṭīn Listening In To The News of The Heavens Before The Sending of The Prophetﷺ
- Allāh’s Protection of The Heavens After The Sending of The Prophetﷺ
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Class 14 – الدرس الرابع عشر – [45:58 mins]
Date: 1st Rajab 1445 AH (13th January 2024 CE)
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The Secret Call of The Prophetﷺ
- The Open Call of The Prophetﷺ
- The Revelation of Verses Commanding The Prophet To Openly Proclaim The Message of Islām
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Command For The Muslims To Make The Hijrah To Abyssinia
- The First Hijrah of The Muslims To Abyssinia
- Reasons The Muslims Returning Back To Makkah After The First Hijrah From Abyssinia
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Second Command For The Muslims To Make The Hijrah To Abyssinia
- The Second Hijrah of The Muslims To Abyssinia
- The Islām of Ḥamzah ibn Abd al-Muṭṭalib ( The Paternal Uncle ofThe Prophetﷺ)
- The Lineage of Ḥamzah To The Prophetﷺ
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Class 15 – الدرس الخامس عشر – [38:16 mins]
Date: 22nd Rajab 1445 AH (3rd February 2024 )
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Events Which Occurred In The 10th Year of Prophethood
- The Death of The Prophet’sﷺ Uncle Abū Ṭālib
- The Death of The Prophet’sﷺ Wife : Khadījah Bint Khuwaylid
- The Difference of Opinions Amongst The Scholars Regarding The Year of Deaths of Abū Ṭālib and Khadījah
- Khadījah’s Aid To The Prophetﷺ Inside The Home
- Abū Ṭālib’s Aid To The Prophetﷺ Outside The Home
- The Incident of The People of Taif
- The Injuries Sustained By The Prophetﷺ By The Hands of The People of Taif
- The Story of The Jinns Acceptance of Islām
- The Revelation of Sūrah Jinn
- The Prophet’sﷺ Encounter of The Jinns On Two Different Occasions
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Class 16 – الدرس السادس عشر – [53:50 mins]
Date: 17th Dhū Al-Qiʿdah 1445 AH (25th May 2024 )
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The Open Call of The Prophet ﷺ
- Ibnul Qayyim’s Statement of The Open Call of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Harm The Prophetﷺ And His Companions Faced After The Open Call To Islām
- Events Leading To The First Hijrah of The Muslims To Abyssinia
- The Prophet’sﷺ Command To His Companions To Make The Hijrah To Abyssinia
- The First Hijrah To Abyssinia
- Reasons For The Muslims Return To Makkah After The First Hijrah From Abyssinia
- A Detailed Definition of Hijrah
- The Different Types of Hijrah in Islām
- The Second Hijrah of The Muslims To Abyssinia
- The Birth And Death of Ḥamzah ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib
- The Islām of Ḥamzah ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib
- The Relation of Ḥamzah ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib To The Prophetﷺ
- The Incorrect Events Portrayed In The Film of Ar-Risālah
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Class 17 – الدرس السابع عشر – [53:50 mins]
Date: 16th Dhū Al-Ḥijjah 1445 AH (22nd June 2024 )
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Recap of Previous Lessons
- A Brief Overlook On The Death of Abū Ṭālib – The Prophet’s ﷺ Uncle
- Abū Ṭālib Death Upon Disbelief
- A Refutation On The False Claims From The Extreme Sūfīyah And Rāfiḍah
- The Time Span Between The Death of Prophet’s ﷺ Wife And Uncle
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Sawdah Bint Zamʿah
- The Benefits From The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Sawdah Bint Zamʿah
- The Benefits, Wisdoms and Reasons For The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Different Women In Islām
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Class 18 – الدرس الثامن عشر – [70:51 mins]
Date: 4th Rabīʿ Al-Awwal 1445 AH (7th September 2024 )
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The Prophet’s ﷺ marriage to Sawdah and ʿĀ’ishah (رضى الله عنهما), Al-Isrā’ wa Al-Miʿrāj and the first and second ʿAqabah Pledge.
- The Prophet’s ﷺ marriage to ʿĀ’ishah (رضى الله عنها).
- Clarifying doubts regarding the marriage of the Prophet ﷺ to ʿĀ’ishah (رضى الله عنها).
- The Prophet ﷺ married his wives to honor them and their families.
- The story of Al-Isrā’ wa Al-Miʿrāj – the ascension to the heavens.
- The linguistic meaning of Al-Isrā’
- The difference between the words Sarā’ and Asrā’.
- Different opinions regarding how the prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) ascended to the heavens.
- Isrā’ or movement with the soul or spirit is normal during sleep.
- The meaning of Al-Miʿrāj.
- When did Al-Isrā’ wa Al-Miʿrāj take place?
- Al-Isrā’ wa Al-Miʿrāj was a great sign from Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى).
- Al-Isrā’ wa Al-Miʿrāj also indicates the prophethood of Muḥammad ﷺ and the status if the ṣalāh.
- Al-Isrā’ wa Al-Miʿrāj was a way to console the Prophet ﷺ after the death of Abī Ṭālib and Khadījah (رضى الله عنها).
- The angel Jibrīl (عليه السلام) taught the prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) the physical parts of the ṣalāh the day after Al-Isrā’ wa Al-Miʿrāj.
- The pledge of Al-ʿAqabah.
- The first meeting with the Anṣār.
- Al-Khazraj wanted to enter Islām before the Jews of Madīnah.
- The leaders of the disbelievers in Madīnah died in the war of Buʿath
- Al-ʿAws and Al-Khazraj made reconciliation.
- The Anṣār promised the Prophet ﷺ in The First Bayʿat Al-ʿAqabah that they would come back during the next season of Ḥajj.
- Bayʿat Al-ʿAqabah Al-‘Ūlá, The FirstʿAqabah Pledge
- The Anṣār returned to Madīnah to call the people to Islām
- Bayʿat Al-ʿAqabah Al-Thānī
- Allāh sent the Anṣār to aid the prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) after 13 years in Makkah
- The conditions of Bayʿat Al-ʿAqabah Al-Thānī
- Asʿad (رضى الله عنه) encouraged the Anṣār to keep their promise and fulfill their pledge.
- The Anṣār agreed to keep the conditions of Al-ʿAqabah
- The Anṣār had to aid and protect the Prophet ﷺ, and in return he would aid and protect them against anyone who fought them
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Class 19 – الدرس الثامن عشر – [54:14 mins]
Date: 12th Rabīʿ Al-Awwal 1445 AH (15th September 2024 )
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The Hijrah of The Prophet ﷺ To Al-Madīnah
- The Arrival of The Prophet ﷺ To Madīnah
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Time In Makkah Before The Hijrah To Al-Madīnah
- The Prayer In Madīnah After The Hijrah From Makkah
- The Building of The First Masjid In Madĩnah
- The Building of Masjid An-Nabawī
- The Role of The Masjid In A Muslim’s Life
- The Virtues of The First Masjid Built In Al-Madĩnah (Masjid Qubāʾ)
- The Virtues of Masjid An-Nabawī
- The Building of Rooms For The Wives of The Prophet ﷺ Near Masjid An-Nabawī
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Two Main Focus In Al-Madīnah
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Efforts Towards Building Brotherhood In Madīnah
- The Benefits of Brotherhood In Islām
- The Tribes of The People In Madīnah
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Class 20 – الدرس العشرون – [39:07 mins]
Date: 19th Rabīʿ Al-Awwal 1445 AH (22nd September 2024 )
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- The Prophet’sﷺ Marriage To ‘Ā’ishah
- The Reasons & Wisdoms of The Prophet’sﷺ Marriage To ‘Ā’ishah
- The Benefits of The Prophet’sﷺ Marriage To ‘Ā’ishah
- The Norm of The Arabs And The Jews With Regards To Early Marriage At The Prophet’s Time
- The Benefits of Early Marriage
- The Negative Impacts On Society Regarding Preventing Early Marriages
- The False Accusations Presented By The Enemies of Islām
- The Legislation of The Adhān In Madīnah
- The Reasons Behind The Legislation of The Adhān
- The Benefits From The Legislation of The Adhān
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