Name of Speaker: Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī للشيخ أبي عمار علي الحذيفي
Country of Speaker: Yemen اليمن
Category: Aqīdah العقيدة
Class 01 – Download / Listen [66:35 mins] | [الدرس الأول – تحميل / استماع [٦٦:٣٥ دقيقة
Date: 13th al-Muḥarram, 1442 AH (1st September, 2020 CE) الثالث عشر من محرم ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Reasons For Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī Authoring His Book “Doubts Surrounding Islām and How To Respond To Them”
- The Reasons Why The Enemies of Islām Cause Doubts
- The Attempts of The Enemies of Islām To Destroy Islām
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The Slavery Present Before Islām
- The Justice of Slavery In Islām
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The False Claims of Slavery In Islām
- The Reasons For Slavery In Islām
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The Only Way Into Slavery Within The Religion of Islām
- The Different Types of Categories of The Disbelievers
- The Outcomes For The Disbelievers When Fighting Against The Muslims
- The Conditions Before Entering Into Slavery Within Islām
- The Wisdoms of Slavery In Islām
- Steps To Be Taken With The Disbelievers Before Preceding War With Them
- The Different Ways Out of Slavery Within Islām
- The Rewards For Freeing A Slave
- The Etiquettes of A Slave Owner Towards His Slave
- An Explanation Regarding The Punishments In Store For Those Who Fight Against The Messengers of Allāh & His Religion
Class 02 – Download / Listen [58:55 mins] | [الدرس الثاني – تحميل / استماع [٥٨:٥٥ دقيقة
Date: 20th al-Muḥarram, 1442 AH (8th September, 2020 CE) العشرين من محرم ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding Racism & It’s Disease In The Western Society
- Reasons For Racism In The West
- The Foundations of How The Western Society Was Built
- The Slave Trade In Europe & America
- The History of African Americans
- The Oppression Faced By African Americans
- Quotes From Western Authors Regarding Racism & The Enslavement In Europe & America
- The Correct Position In Islām On Racism, Nationalism & Slavery
- The Perfection of Islām
- The Equality of All Races In Islām
- The Only Distinguishing Factor Allāh & His Messenger (ﷺ) Has Legislated In Islam
- The Importance of Having Īmān, Taqwá & Doing Righteous Deeds
Class 03 – Download / Listen [57:32 mins] | [الدرس الثالث – تحميل / استماع [٥٧:٣٢ دقيقة
Date: 4th Safar, 1442 AH (22nd September, 2020 CE) الرابع من صفر ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The Second Doubt “The Islāmically Prescribed Punishment Is Barbaric”
- The Benefits & Wisdoms For The Islāmic Prescribed Punishments
- Reasons Why The Islāmic Prescribed Punishments Should Be Established
- The Vast Mercy of Allāh Towards His Creation
- The Levels & Different Types of The Islāmic Prescribed Punishments
- The Different Types of Measures & Prerequisites Legislated Before Implementing The Prescribed Islāmic Punishments
- The Encouragement of Making Tawbah & Returning Back To Allāh Before Admitting One’s Sin
- The Allowance of Those In Authority Only To Carry Out The Prescribed Islāmic Punishments
- The Allowance of Delaying or Cancelling Out The Islāmic Prescribed Punishments For A Benefit
- The Atonement & Expiation of The Sin Through The Islāmic Prescribed Punishments
Class 04 – Download / Listen [47:49 mins] | [الدرس الرابع – تحميل / استماع [٤٧:٤٩ دقيقة
Date: 12th Safar, 1442 AH (29th September, 2020 CE) الثاني عشر من صفر ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Second Doubt: The Islāmically Prescribed Punishment Is Barbaric
- An Explanation Concerning The Different Types of Punishments For The Different Types of Crimes Committed
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The Capital Punishment For Executing The Murderer
- The Benefits and Wisdoms Behind the Capital Punishment
- The Doubts Spread By The Western Society Regarding Executing The Criminal
- The Method of Carrying Out The Capital Punishment With The Sword
- The Benefits and Wisdoms of Carrying Out The Capital Punishment With The Sword
- The Benefits And Wisdoms of Cutting of The Limbs of The Thief
- The Differences Between The Sharī’ah Law And The Man Made Laws
- The Benefits of The Sharī’ah Law For The Society
Class 05 – Download / Listen [58:55 mins] | [الدرس الخامس – تحميل / استماع [٥٨:٥٥ دقيقة
Date: 18th Safar, 1442 AH (6th October 2020 CE) الثامن عشر من صفر ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Second Doubt: The Islāmically Prescribed Punishment Is Barbaric
- The Benefits Concerning The Different Types of Punishments For The Different Types of Crimes Committed
- The Wisdoms Behind The Islāmic Prescribed Punishments For Fornication, Adultery And Theft
- The Prerequisites Before Establishing The Islāmic Prescribed Punishments For Fornication, Adultery And Theft
- The Benefits For Society When Establishing The Islāmic Prescribed Punishments
- The Statistics of Crime Rates Occurring In The Society
Class 06 – Download / Listen [40:05 mins] | [الدرس السادس – تحميل / استماع [٤٠:٠٥ دقيقة
Date: 25th Safar, 1442 AH (13th October 2020 CE) الخامس والعشرون من صفر ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Review of the previous class and an explanation of Allah’s law of punishment established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).
- The virtue of Islamic law of punishment alleviating people’s fear of safety and security in the KSA.
- A brief historic account of pilgrims having soldiers accompany them for safety (prior to the establishment of Allah’s law of punishment).
- The KSA is where the ‘hearts flock towards’ because of its safety, security, economic status and technology.
- Detailed explanation of the ‘prosecution of the apostate’.
- Details concerning the legal ruling on judging who has apostate is a great, heavy affair.
- The Islamic law on the person who apostates.
- Explanation concerning the harms of apostasy on the person and society.
- Of all the types of dis-belief, apostasy is the absolute worst.
- The ruling on helping the person who has doubts and going through difficult times.
- Reasons for the person to apostate.
- The punishment for the apostate being capital punishment.
Class 07 – Download / Listen [40:25 mins] | [الدرس السابع – تحميل / استماع [٤٠:٢٥ دقيقة
Date: 3rd Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal, 1442 AH (20th October 2020 CE) الثالث من ربيع الاول ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The Third Doubt “Islām Was Spread By The Way of The Sword”
- The Reality of The Society Before The Advent of Islām
- The Reasons For The Legislation of Jihād In Islām
- The Preventing Factors Disallowing The People Entering Into The Religion of Islām
- The Goodly Outcomes of Jihād
- The Types of Jihād Legislated In Islām
- The Different Phases of Jihād
- The Two Year Period Between The Treaty of Ḥudaybiyyah & The Conquest of Makkah Causing Many People To Enter Into Islām
- Evidences Present In Our Day & Time Diminishing The Doubt Regarding Islām Was Spread By The Way of The Sword
Class 08 – Download / Listen [48:49 mins] | [الدرس الثامن – تحميل / استماع [٤٨:٤٩ دقيقة
Date: 10th Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal, 1442 AH (27th October 2020 CE) العاشر من ربيع الأول ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Third Doubt “Islām Was Spread By The Way of The Sword”
- Historical Facts About The Christian Nations & Their Rules Regarding War
- The History of Crime & Torture Committed By The West Towards The Muslim Lands
- The Etiquettes of War In Islām
- The Purpose of War In Islām
- The Categories of Inviting Individuals To Islām
- The Prohibitions of Warfare In Islām
Class 09 – Download / Listen [42:36 mins] | [الدرس التاسع – تحميل / استماع [٤٢:٣٦ دقيقة
Date: 17th Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal, 1442 AH (3rd November 2020 CE) السابع عشر من ربيع الأول ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Explanation of The Fourth Doubt: Islām is Against Freedom of Opinion
- The false claim that Islām doesn’t respect freedom of opinion.
- Muslims believe not every opinion should be heard.
- Islām supports Freedom of opinion as long as the opinions are productive, moral opinions that build the society.
- Islām is against opinions that are destructive, immoral and harmful towards society, and this is a Universal Principle.
- The difference between Shūrá and Democracy.
- Islām does not agree with the idea that the majority rules, nor does it view that all members of society are equal in their knowledge, insight and wisdom, therefore they can not be equal in their votes.
- A brief explanation of the āyah that Allāh addressed to the Ṣaḥāba: (لَوْ يُطِيعُكُمْ فِى كَثِيرٍ مِّنَ ٱلْأَمْرِ لَعَنِتُّمْ) “If he were to obey you (i.e. follow your opinions and desires) in much of the matter, you would surely be in trouble” (Sūrah Al. Hujurāt: 7)
Class 10 – Download / Listen [44:15 mins] | [الدرس العاشر – تحميل / استماع [٤٤:١٥ دقيقة
Date: 24th Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal, 1442 AH (10th November 2020 CE) الرابع والعشرون من ربيع الأول ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Fourth Doubt “Islām is Against Freedom of Opinion”
- The Great Status & Honour of The Prophet Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
- The Noble Character of The Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
- A Detailed Explanation With Evidences of The Pure Hatred The West Have For Islām & The Prophet Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
- The Reasons of The Pure Hatred The West Have For Islām & Prophet Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
- The Reality of The West Regarding Their Claims of Freedom of Speech & Opinion
Class 11 – Download / Listen [48:38 mins] | [الدرس الحادي عشر – تحميل / استماع [٤٨:٣٨ دقيقة
Date: 24th Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal, 1442 AH (17th November 2020 CE) الاول من ربيع الثاني ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Fourth Doubt: “Islām is Against Freedom of Opinion
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The Campaign of Freedom of Belief Spread By The Enemies of Islām
- The Reality of This Campaign
- The Dangers of This Campaign
- The Creed of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah
- The Creed of The Misguided Sects
- Allāh’s Mercy Towards His Creation
Class 12 – Download / Listen [64:30 mins] | [الدرس الثاني عشر – تحميل / استماع [٦٣:٣٠ دقيقة
Date: 8th Rabīʿ ath-Thānī, 1442 AH (24th November 2020 CE) الثامن من ربيع الثاني ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- A Detailed Explanation of The Sixth Doubt “That Islām Is Oppressive to Women
- The History of The Status of Women In The Pre-Islāmic Period of Ignorance (Period of Jāhiliyyah)
- The Condition of The Woman In Europe, America & East Asia
- The Status of The Muslim Woman After The Advent of Islām
- The Rights The Muslim Woman Is Entitled To In Islām
- The Command To Respect & Honour The Muslim Woman
- Evidences From The Qur’ān & Sunnah Regarding The Status, Honour & Rights of A Muslim Woman
- The Prohibition of Degrading The Muslim Woman
- The Prohibition of The Muslim Woman Exposing Herself
- The Evil Outcomes Which Results From Women Exposing Themselves
- A Detailed Analysis of Societies That Accuse Islām Regarding The Muslim Women & The Reality of How They Treat Their Own Women
Class 13 – Download / Listen [48:34 mins] | [الدرس الثالث عشر – تحميل / استماع [٤٨:٣٤ دقيقة
Date: 15th Rabīʿ ath-Thānī, 1442 AH (1st December 2020 CE) الخامس عشر من ربيع الثاني ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Sixth Doubt “That Islām Is Oppressive To Women”
- The Condition of The Woman & Her Role Outside The Home In East Asia
- The Oppression Faced By The Women In East Asia
- The Oppression Faced By The Women In The West
- The Protection of The Woman & Her Role Inside The Home Given In The Religion of Islām
- The True Reality of The Slogans Used By The Western Society
- The Hidden Agenda The Jews Had Towards The Woman & Removing Her From Her Home
- The Social, Physical & Mental Effects Upon The Woman Which Results From Her Leaving Her Home
- Statements From Western Intellectuals
- Testifying To The Justice of Islām
- The Islāmic Rulings Pertaining To The Men And To The Women
Class 14 – Download / Listen [50:50 mins] | [الدرس الرابع عشر – تحميل / استماع [٥٠:٥٠ دقيقة
Date: 22nd Rabīʿ ath-Thānī, 1442 AH (8th December 2020 CE) الثاني والعشرون من ربيع الثاني ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Sixth Doubt “That Islām Is Oppressive To Women
- The Oppression Faced By Women In The Workplace
- The Dangers Which Results From Working Alongside Men
- The Positive Factors of Keeping The Woman In Her Home
- The Situation of The Western Women
- Testimonies From Western Intellectuals Regarding The Woman’s Real Job At Home
- Allāh’s Command For The Women To Stay In Their Homes
- The Pre-requisites Necessary Before A Woman Leaves Her Home
- The Pre-requisites Before A Woman Works Outside Her Home
- The True Intentions of The Enemies of Islām To Remove The Woman From Her Home
- The Reality of The Woman Working Alongside With Men In The Workplace
- The Role of The Woman Inside Her Home
- The Beautiful Status Given To The Muslim Woman In Islām
- The Conditions For The Proper Islāmic Attire For The Muslim Women
- The Difference of Opinion Regarding The Niqāb
- The Prohibition For The Muslim Woman Travelling Alone Without A Suitable Maḥram
- The Conditions For A Suitable Maḥram
Class 15 – Download / Listen [44:03 mins] | [الدرس الخامس عشر – تحميل / استماع [٤٤:٠٣ دقيقة
Date: 29th Rabīʿ ath-Thānī, 1442 AH (15th December 2020 CE) التاسع والعشرون من ربيع الثاني ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Sixth Doubt “That Islām Is Oppressive To Women
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding Women’s Rights & The Women’s Liberation Movement
- The Attempts of The Enemies of Islām Towards Removing The Muslim Woman From Her Home
- The Downfall of The Western Societies
- The Importance of The Woman Stated By Western Sociologists
- Statistics of Distributing Incidents Which Occurred To Women In The West Due To Them Leaving Their Home
Class 16 – Download / Listen [54:57 mins] | [الدرس السادس عشر – تحميل / استماع [٥٤:٥٧ دقيقة
Date: 5th Jumādā ath-Thānī, 1442 AH (19th January 2021 CE) الخامس من جماد الثاني ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Sixth Doubt “That Islām Is Oppressive To Women
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The Women’s Engagement In Men’s Work
- The Dangers & Evil Consequences of Men & Women Working Alongside Each Other
- The Main Objective & Purpose For The Woman Working In The Workplace With Men
- The Sexual Harassment Faced By Women Working Alongside Men
- The Statistics of Mental & Physical Effects Upon The Woman Which Results From Working Outside Her Home
- Statements From Western & Eastern
- Intellectuals Regarding The Harms Which Results From Women Working Alongside Men
- Statistics of Incidents of Rape Occurring To Women In The West
- The Natural Disposition of The Woman
- The Benefits For The Woman To Remain Within Her Home
- The Greatest Blessing Upon The Woman
- The Significant Role The Mother Holds Within Her Home
- The Benefits For The Mother & Child Which Results From Breastfeeding
- The Comfort The Woman Brings To Her Husband
- The Man’s Role Outside The Home
Class 17 – Download / Listen [39:08 mins] | [الدرس السابع عشر – تحميل / استماع [٣٩:٠٨ دقيقة
Date: 19th Jumādā ath-Thānī, 1442 AH (2nd February 2021 CE) التاسع عشر من جماد الثاني ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- A Detailed Explanation of The Eighth Doubt: Women’s Sports
- The Real Agenda & Plots of The West Regarding Women’s Sports
- The Involvement of Different Organizations In Portraying Women’s Sports In The West
- A Detailed Explanation of Fitness By Imām Ibnul Qayyim
- The Benefits of Islāmic Physical Worship Upon The Body
- The Permissibility For The Muslim Woman Staying Fit Within The Islāmic Guidelines
- The Islāmic Guidelines For The Woman Staying Fit
- The Physical & Mental Benefits For The Woman Remaining In Her Home
Class 18 – Download / Listen [45:04 mins] | [الدرس الثامن عشر – تحميل / استماع [٤٥:٠٤ دقيقة
Date: 4th Rajab, 1442 AH (16th February 2021 CE) الرابع من رجب ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- A Detailed Explanation of The Ninth Doubt: Polygyny As It Relates To The Muslim
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The Accusations From The West Launched Towards The Muslims Concerning Polygyny
- The Permissibility of Polygyny In Islām
- The Statistics Showing Husbands Cheating On Their Wives In The West
- The Benefits of Polygyny For Both The Man & The Woman In Islām
- Textual Evidences From The Qur’ān & Sunnah Regarding The Permissibility of Polygyny In Islām
- The Practice of Polygyny In Time of Jāhiliyyah (The Pre-Islāmic Period)
- The Benefits of Polygyny In Time of Jāhiliyyah
- The Woman’s Choice of Spouse
- The Permissibility of A Man Being Upfront Regarding Polygyny
Class 19 – Download / Listen [55:59 mins] | [الدرس التاسع عشر – تحميل / استماع [٥٥:٥٩ دقيقة
Date: 11th Rajab, 1442 AH (23rd February 2021 CE) الحادي عشر من رجب ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Ninth Doubt: Polygyny As It Relates To The Muslim
- The Practice of Polygyny In Previous Nations
- Textual Evidences From The Qur’ān & Sunnah Regarding The Practice of Polygyny In Previous Nations And Civilizations
- The Permissibility of Polygyny In The Christian And Jewish Faith
- Statements From Western And Eastern
- Intellectuals Regarding The Benefits of Polygyny
- The Statistics Upon The Land & Textual Evidences From The Sunnah Proving The Large Population of Women Upon The Earth
- The Benefits And Wisdoms Behind Polygyny For Both The Man And The Woman
Class 20 – Download / Listen [37:26 mins] | [الدرس العشرون – تحميل / استماع [٣٧:٢٦ دقيقة
Date: 18th Rajab, 1442 AH (12nd March 2021 CE) الثامن عشر من رجب ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Ninth Doubt: Polygyny As It Relates To The Muslim
- The Pre-Requisites For Polygyny In Islām
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The Pre-Requisites For Polygyny In Islām
- Statements From The Salaf Regarding Polygyny
- Statements From Western And Eastern Intellectuals Regarding The Benefits of Polygyny
- The Benefits of Polygyny In The Society
- The Protection of The Woman Through Polygyny In Islām
Class 21 – Download / Listen [42:21 mins] | [الدرس الحادي والعشرون – تحميل / استماع [٤٢:٢١ دقيقة
Date: 25th Rajab, 1442 AH (9th March 2021 CE) الخامس والعشرون من رجب ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Ninth Doubt: Polygyny As It Relates To The Muslim
- The Several Doubts And Attacks The Enemies of Islām Have Towards The Religion of Islām And The Affair of Polygyny
- False Analogies Made Towards The Affair of Polygyny In Islām
- The Perfect Wisdom of Allāh In All of His Decrees
- Statements From The Salaf Regarding The Beauty of Polygyny
- The Differences Between The Nature of Men And Women
- The Unique Strengths of A Man
- Specific Characteristics Given To The Men Only
- The Benefits For The Man Taking On Another Wife
- The Evil Outcomes Which Results From Preventing A Man Taking On Another Wife
- The Honour of A Man And His Increase of Manhood Through Polygyny
- The Praiseworthy Efforts A Man Takes Towards Looking After His Wife
- A Detailed Response Towards The Leaders of Parts of The Arab World Preventing Polygyny
- The Benefits of Polygyny For The Society
- The Benefits of Polygyny For The Muslim Woman
Class 22 – Download / Listen [32:11 mins] | [الدرس الثاني والعشرون – تحميل / استماع [٣٢:١١ دقيقة
Date: 13th Shawwal, 1442 AH (25th May 2021 CE) الثالث عشر من شوال ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Ninth Doubt: Polygyny as It Relates to The Muslim
- A detailed response concerning the doubts the enemies in our day and time spread regarding the issue of polygyny as it relates to the Prophet ﷺ.
- 10 detailed wisdoms regarding the issue of polygyny practiced by the Prophet ﷺ mentioned by Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī:
1. So that a large number of people will know the private affairs of the Prophet ﷺ.
2. So that the different tribes that the wives came from, could have the honor of being in-laws to the Prophet ﷺ.
3. So that by being related through marriage, it might soften the hearts of the families of the wives, turning them more towards the religion of the Prophet ﷺ.
4. So that it would give him a greater sense of responsibility.
5. So that he would have more in-laws, and thus, more helpers in the cause of preaching and defending his faith.
6. So that he will have more people around him, witnessing the revelation, and becoming more familiar with the divine laws being revealed to him ﷺ.
7. So that his great characteristics could be witnessed by the people closest to him and then conveyed to others.
8. So that he could fulfill all of his wives’ intimate desires, despite some of the personal practices that he had, that normally decreased a person’s sexual desire.
9. & 10. So that he ﷺ could have more helpers in the religion to strengthen and spread the dīn. He did not seek after youth and beauty but rather, the majority were divorced or widows.
Class 23 – Download / Listen [38:29 mins] | [الدرس الثالث والعشرون – تحميل / استماع [٣٨:٢٩ دقيقة
Date: 20th Shawwal, 1442 AH (1st June 2021 CE) العشرين من شوال ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Ninth Doubt: Polygyny As It Relates To The Muslim
- A Continuation of Detailed Responses Concerning The Doubts The Enemies In Our Day and Time Spread Regarding The Issue of Polygyny As It Relates To The Prophet ﷺ
- A Specific Look At Each of The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriages
- The Lessons To Be Taken From The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriages
- The Order of The Prophet’s ﷺ Wives
- A Specific Look In The Prophet’s Marriage To Khadījah Bint Khuwaylid
- The Lessons Learnt From The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage Towards Khadījah
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Loyalty Towards Khadījah During Her Life And After Her Death
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Love Towards Khadījah
- The Difference of Opinion Concerning The Age of Khadījah At The Time of Her Marriage To The Prophet ﷺ
- A Specific Look Into The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Sawdah Bint Zamʿah
- The Reasons Behind The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Sawdah
- The Lessons To Be Taken From Sawdah’s Marriage
- Sawdah’s Hardships And Trials Before Her Marriage To The Prophet ﷺ
- A Specific Look In The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To ʿĀʾishah Bint Abī Bakr
- The Divine Revelation From Allāh To The Prophet ﷺ Concerning ʿĀʾishah
- The Wisdom Behind The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To ʿĀʾishah
- The Age of ʿĀʾishah At The Time of Her Marriage To The Prophet ﷺ
- The Intelligence And Knowledge of ʿĀʾishah
Class 24 – Download / Listen [61:40 mins] | [الدرس الرابع والعشرون – تحميل / استماع [٦١:٤٠ دقيقة
Date: 27th Shawwal, 1442 AH (8th June 2021 CE) السابع والعشرون من شوال ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Ninth Doubt: Polygyny As It Relates To The Muslim
- A Continuation of Detailed Responses Concerning The Doubts The Enemies In Our Day Time Spread Regarding The Issue of Polygyny As It Relates To The Prophet ﷺ
- A Specific Look At Each of The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriages
- Beautiful Lessons Learnt From The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriages
- The Goodly Outcomes From The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriages
- A Specific Look Into The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Ḥafṣah Bint ʿUmar
- Ḥafṣah’s Previous Marriage Before Her Marriage To The Prophet ﷺ
- The Reasons Behind The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Ḥafṣah Bint ʿUmar
- The Honour For ʿUmar Ibn Khaṭṭāb And His Family
- A Specific Look In The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Umm Salamah Hind Bint ʾAbī ʾUmayyah
- The Death of Umm Salamah’s Husband
- The Family Relationship Between Abū Salamah And The Prophet ﷺ
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Care And Concern For Umm Salamah Due To Her Sacrifice For The Religion
- The Reasons Behind The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Umm Salamah Hind Bint ʾAbī ʾUmayyah
- A Specific Look Into The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage Zaynab Bint Khuzaymah
- The Death of Zaynab Bint Khuzaymah’s Husband
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Sympathy For Zaynab Bint Khuzaymah
- The Reasons Behind The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Zaynab Bint Khuzaymah
- The Reason For Zaynab Bint Khuzaymah Nickname In The Pre- Islāmic Period
- A Specific Look Into The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Umm Ḥabiba Ramla Bint Abī Sufyān
- Umm Ḥabiba’s Acceptance of Islām
- The Death of Umm Ḥabiba’s Husband
- The Reasons Behind The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Umm Ḥabiba Ramla Bint Abī Sufyān
- The Far Distance Marriage of Umm Ḥabiba And Prophet ﷺ
- A Specific Look In The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Juwayriyah Bint al-Ḥārith
- The Battle and War Against Juwayriyah’s Tribe And The Muslims
- Juwayriyah Bint al-Ḥārith Being Taken As A Prisoner of War
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Offer of Marriage To Juwayriyah Bint al-Ḥārith
- The Reasons Behind Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Juwayriyah Bint al-Ḥārith
- The Goodly Outcome From The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Juwayriyah Bint al-Ḥārith
- A Specific Look In The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Zaynab Bint Jaḥsh
- The Story Behind The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Zaynab Bint Jaḥsh
- The Demolishment of The Pre-Islāmic Custom of A Man Marrying The Ex Wife of His Adopted Son
- The Revelation From Allāh Regarding The Command To The Prophet ﷺ To Marry Zaynab Bint Jaḥsh
- The Family Relations of The Prophet ﷺ And Zaynab Bint Jaḥsh
- The Mahr Given To Zaynab From The Prophet ﷺ
- A Specific Look Into The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Maymūnah Bint al-Ḥārith al-Hilālīyah
- The Reasons Behind The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Maymūnah
- Maymūnah’s Previous Marriages Before Her Marriage To The Prophet ﷺ
- Maymūnah’s Proposal of Marriage To The Prophet ﷺ
- The Revelation From Allāh Regarding Maymūnah’s Proposal of Marriage To The Prophet ﷺ
- The Noble Lineage And Status of Maymūnah Bint al-Ḥārith al-Hilālīyah
- A Specific Look In The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Safiyyah Bint Ḥuyayy
- The Reasons Behind The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage To Safiyyah
- The Conquest of The Muslims At The Battle of The Trench (A Battle Between The Muslims And The Jews)
- Safiyyah Bint Ḥuyayy Taken As A Prisoner of War
- The Difference Between The Marriages of The Prophet ﷺ And The Marriages of The Kings
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Care And Concern For His Ummah
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Spread of Allāh’s Religion
Class 25 – Download / Listen [39:53 mins] | [الدرس الرابع والعشرون – تحميل / استماع [٣٩:٥٣ دقيقة
Date: 13th Dhūl-Qaʿdah, 1442 AH (23rd June 2021 CE) الثالث عشر من ذي القعدة ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- An Explanation of The Eleventh Doubt: Are There Remnants of Idol Worship During The Ḥajj Rites?
- A Detailed Response To The False Claims Put Forth Regarding The Rites of Ḥajj Made By The Enemies of Islām
- Evidences From The Qu’rān And Sunnah Regarding The Obligation And Virtues of Ḥajj
- The Virtues of Ḥajj
- The Benefits of Ḥajj
- Beneficial Lessons To Be Taken From The Performance of Ḥajj Such As;
- Ḥajj Being A Substitute For Jihād
- Ḥajj Being A School Full of Lessons For The Believers
- The Superiority of Singing Out Allāh In Worship And Giving Predence Over The Love of Allāh Than The Love of One’s Desires
- Ḥajj Being From The Means of Following The Footsteps of The Prophets And Messengers
- Ḥajj Being A Constant Reminder For The Believer At Time of His Death And The Events Which Will Occur On The Last Day
- Ḥajj Being From The Means For A Complete Lifestyle Change For The Believers
- The Equality And Justice Found Within Ḥajj
- Learning Self Control During Ḥajj
- Learning To Sacrifice For Allāh’s Sake
- Learning The Different Types of Worship Present During Ḥajj
- Learning Patience During The Performance of Ḥajj
- Taking Advantge For Teaching The Primgims During The Ḥajj Season
- Ḥajj Being A Means To Enrage The Disbelievers
Class 26 – Download / Listen [32:00 mins] | [الدرس السادس والعشرون – تحميل / استماع [٣٢:٠٠ دقيقة
Date: 26th Dhūl-Qaʿdah, 1442 AH (6th July 2021 CE) السادس والعشرون من ذي القعدة ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- A Continuation of The Explanation of The Eleventh Doubt: Are There Remnants of Idol Worship During The Ḥajj Rites?
- The Reality of The Individuals Who Spread False Doubts And Make Such Claims That Ḥajj Contains Remnants of Idol Worship
- A Detailed Refutation Towards The Individuals Who Spread False Claims Regarding The Ḥajj Rites
- The Names of The Individuals Who Spread False Claims Regarding The Ḥajj Rites And Who Have Within Them Traits of Freemasonry
- The Real Reasons Behind Those Individuals Present In The Muslim Lands Who Make False Claims Regarding Ḥajj
- Prophet ʾIbrāhīm’s Rejection of Idol Worship
- The Historical Facts Regarding Ḥajj
- The Reality of Ḥajj
- The Perfection of The Religion of Islām Which Contains No Acts of Polytheism
- The Difference Between The Ḥajj of The Believers And The Worship of The
- Polytheists Present At The Time of The Prophet ﷺ
- The Forbiddance Given From The Prophet To The Polytheists Regarding Their Acts Perform In The Ka’bah
- ‘Umar ibn al-Khaṭtāb’s Teachings To The Muslims
Class 27 – Download / Listen [36:50 mins] | [الدرس السابع والعشرون – تحميل / استماع [٣٦:٥٠ دقيقة
Date: 21st Dhūl-Ḥijjah, 1442 AH (31st July 2021 CE) الحادي والعشرون من ذي الحجة ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- A Detailed Explanation of The Twelfth Doubt: Female Circumcision
- Reasons For Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī Al-Ḥudhayfī Including The Topic Regarding Female Circumcision In His Book
- Quotes From Shaykh Al-Islām Ibn Taymīyyah. And Imām Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah Regarding The Permissibility of Female Circumcision In The Sharī’ah
- The Permissibility of Male Circumcision And Female Circumcision In The Sharī’ah
- The Correct Steps To Be Taken Out Before The Procedure of Female Circumcision Is Carried Out
- The Appropriate Age Regarding When Female Circumcision In The Sharī’ah Should Be Carried Out
- A Detailed Refutation Towards The Individuals Who Spread False Claims Regarding Female Circumcision And The Benefits Concerning It
- The Harms Which Results From Female Circumcision When Performed Incorrectly By The Practitioner
- The Importance of Having A Qualified Practitioner In Order To Carry Out The Procedure
- The Difference Between The Practice of Female Circumcision And The Practitioner Who Carries Out The Procedure
- The Impermissible Manner of Female Circumcision Carried By Some Practitioners
- The Benefits of Female Circumcision Stated By Qualified Doctors And Western Organizations
- The Benefits of Female Circumcision For The Woman
- The Benefits of Female Circumcision For The Society
- Female Circumcision Being A Means of Treatment For The Woman
- Statistics Showing No Harm Upon The Women After Female Circumcision Was Performed Upon Them
- The Obligation of Following The Sharī’ah of Allāh
Class 28 – Download / Listen [39:32 mins] | [الدرس الثامن والعشرون – تحميل / استماع [٣٩:٣٢ دقيقة
Date: 28th Dhūl-Ḥijjah, 1442 AH (7th August 2021 CE) السادس والعشرون من ذي القعدة ١٤٤٢
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Twelfth Doubt: Female Circumcision
- Detailed Evidences of Female Circumcision From The Qur’ān, Sunnah And Ijmāʿ (Consensus of The Muslim Scholars
- The Difference of Opinions Regarding The Ruling of Female Circumcision And Not The Legislation of Female Circumcision In Islām
- The difference of opinions vary from the four madhāb ( four school of thought). However, the strongest and the most correct opinion is female circumcision is obligatory (wājib) for the males and mustaḥabb (preferred) for the females. This is the opinions of Imām Aḥmad and the scholars from the madhab of Imām Mālik and Ibn Qudāmah al-Maqdisī.
- Detailed Evidences From Various Standpoints Which Prove Female Circumcision Is Practiced And Safe For The Females
- General Evidences Regarding Circumcision For Both The Males And The Females:
- On the authority of Abū Hurayrah he heard the Messenger of Allāhﷺ said ” There are five practices from the fitrah (natural disposition); Circumcision, shaving the pubic region, trimming the moustache, clipping the nails and plucking the armpit hair” (Reference Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī and Muslim)
- Circumcision was practiced before the advent of Islām and after Islām, the practice of circumcision did not come to an end, however the practice remained and continued.
- Specific Evidences Regarding Circumcision For The Females;
- On the authority of ʿĀʾishah the Messenger of Allāhﷺ said ” If a man sits between the four limbs of his wife and the circumcised part touches the circumcised part then ghusl becomes wājib” (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim). A similar wording has been reported in Sunan at-Tirmidhī “If the two circumstance parts touch”
- Both of these ḥadīth mean the private part of the husband touching the private part of his wife then ghusl becomes wājib (obligatory)
- Al Ḥāfid Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī mentioned in commentary of the ḥadīth in his book Fatḥ al-Bārī “The mention was made in a dual form that the private part of the man and that of the woman are that which are circumcised”
- At-Ṭabarāni mentioned “There was a woman in Madīnah that used to perform circumcision for little girls and the Messenger of Allāhﷺ gave her instructions such as don’t cut too much, as this would be a form of destruction and this is better for the woman and more beloved to her husband” (Graded Ṣaḥīḥ by Shaykh Albanī as there are other chains of narration). Shaykh Albanī mentioned “This ḥadīth has come from various ways of transmission so this ḥadīth would be raised to the level of Ḥasan
- Evidences From The Ijmāʿ of The Muslim Ummah: All the scholars, past and present and even the laymen have all agreed that there is no difference of opinion regarding the legislation of female circumcision. However, the scholars only differ regarding the ruling of female circumcision whether it is obligatory or recommend.
- The General, Physical, Sexual Benefits of Female Circumcision
- The Physical Benefits of Female Circumcision Are:
- At times there is a large disproportion part in the female’s private area so this circumcision would be comfortable for the female.
- At times inflammation would occur caused by the build up of bacteria which results in infections and bad odors so circumcision would be more hygienic and healthy for the female and would be a cure for this.
- At times infections can occur especially to young girls so circumcision is a cure for this.
- Circumcision is a protection against cancers occurring to both the men and the women.
- Sexual Benefits of Female Circumcision:
- At times relations would be difficult for the woman so circumcision would solve this problem.
- At times uncircumstanced women may experience unfilled sexual pleasure however, circumcision is a cure for this.
- Psychology Benefits Which Results From Female Circumcision:
- At times the opposite is true, that women don’t feel any sexual pleasure and this is a psychology problem and so circumcision helps with this.
- At times, females may be unable to control their urine so circumcision helps and is a cure for this.
- The Physical Benefits of Female Circumcision Are:
- An Islāmic And Medical Standpoint Concerning The Benefits of Female Circumcision
- Detailed Benefits From Imām Ibnul Qayyim Concerning Female Circumcision Mentioned In His Book. From The Benefits of Female Circumcision Are The Following:
- Female circumcision is an act of ‘ibādah (worship), no denying that cutting a small piece of a portion off from the female vagina is obedience to Allāh, it makes one realize and know they are from the servants of Allāh and are from the monotheistic religion. And so circumcision is considered as an honour and there is nothing more honorable than this to be a monotheist and the people of cleanliness and purity. Circumcision without a doubt is a means of cleanliness and a means of regulating the sexual desires.
- Circumcision is from the way of our father ʾIbrāhīm as he was the first one to institute this practice. So therefore, circumcision is part of the fitrah of the people of monotheism.
- Circumcision is a means of regulating the sexual desires and if a person fails to regulate this he would fall to the levels of the animals. This regulation is what maintains a person humanity. And you would find from the uncircumstanced men and women those that can’t get enough of relations. The reasons behind this is that circumcision is applied to both males and females as circumcision helps to regulate one’s desires.
- From the benefits is a person may constantly have intimate thoughts and this would be a distraction in one’s life so Allāh has legislated circumcision to regulate one’s desires.
- The downfall of the woman not being circumstanced which was recorded in Arab history is, she may be looked down and receive insults and criticism from the people such as they would say she couldn’t get enough men. And this was something looked down upon in the society.
- Also from the benefits of being circumstanced is that you find non muslim nations from their women engaging in inappropriate acts that you don’t find in the Muslim societies. So, there must be a balance. If too much is cut off from the woman she may not have desires for intimacy, so in result she doesn’t enjoy her husband and vice versa and on the other hand, if nothing is cut off then immortality is a danger. So there must be a middle way between the two.
- The Prohibition of the Pharaonic Circumcision Also Know As Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Evidences From Medical Research Showing The Benefits of Female Circumcision
Class 29 – Download / Listen [40:37 mins] | [الدرس التاسع والعشرون – تحميل / استماع [٤٠:٣٧ دقيقة
Date: 19th Muḥarram, 1443 AH (29th August 2021 CE) التاسع عشر من محرم ١٤٤٣
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- Continuation of The Twelfth Doubt: Female Circumcision
- The Agenda And The Evil Intentions of The Enemies of Islām When Spreading Doubts Regarding Aspects of The Religion
- Principles That Should Be Used When Anything Contradicts The Religion of Islām
- The Difference Between The Permissible And Legislated Female Circumcision In Islām And The Prohibited Pharaonic Circumcision Also Know As Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Physical and Psychological Benefits of The Legislated Female Circumcision
- The Categories of People Who Wage War Against The Religion of Islām In The Name of Female Circumcision
- Reasons Why The Media Pay More Attention To Female Circumcision Then Any Other Matter That Is Occurring In The Muslim World
- Key Factors From The Topic of Female Circumcision:
- The Ijmāʿ (Consensus of The Muslim Scholars) of Female Circumcision
- The Separation And The Difference Between The Legislated Female Circumcision And The Forbidden Circumcision
- The Benefits of Female Circumcision
- The Importance of Having Qualified Health Professionals In Carrying Out The Legislated Circumcision And Taking The Necessary Precautions For The Health of The Females Involved
- Being Aware of Those People That Speak Against The Religion of Islām
Class 30 – Download / Listen [30:05 mins] | [الدرس الثلاثين – تحميل / استماع [٣٠:٠٥ دقيقة
Date: 17th Safar, 1443 AH (25th September 2021 CE) السابع عشر من صفر ١٤٤٣
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- An Explanation of The Thirteenth Doubt: Early Marriage
- The Media’s Campaign Against Early Marriages In Islām
- The Sharī’ah Law Regarding Early Marriages In Islām
- The Differences Between Women
- Quotes From Imām Nawawī’s Regarding The Correct Age of Marriage For A Female
- The Aim of Islām
- The Benefits of Early Marriages
- The Evil Intentions And Motives of The Enemies of Islām Against Early Marriages
- The Link Between The Economic State And In Early Marriages In Yemen And In Several Countries
- Historical Facts Regarding Early Marriages Before The Advent of Islām And After The Advent of Islām
- The Pressure From The West To Muslim Countries To legalize Marriages From 18+
Class 31 – Download / Listen [31:43 mins] | [الدرس الحادي والثلاثين – تحميل / استماع [٣١:٤٣ دقيقة
Date: 24th Safar, 1443 AH (2nd October 2021 CE) االرابع والعشرون من صفر ١٤٤٣
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- A Continuation of The Thirteenth Doubt: Early Marriage
- The Permissibility of Early Marriages In Islām And The Evidences Pertaining To It
- Textual Evidences From The Qur’ān Stating The Permissibilty of Early Marriages such as:
- Sūrah Aṭ-Ṭalāq 65:4
- Sūrah An-Nisā’ 4:3
- Sūrah An-Nisā’ 4:127
- A Concise Tafsīr on The Aforementioned Verses
- The Permissibility of The Father Giving His Young Daughter In Marriage To One That Is Compatible To Her
- The Islāmic Rulings Pertaining To Marriage To An Orphan Girl
- Evidences From The Sunnah Pertaining To The Permissibilty of Early Marriages such as:
- The Ḥadīth Narrated By ʿĀʾishah “The Prophet ﷺ married me when I was six years old and he consummated the marriage when I was nine years old” (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī & Muslim)
- Commentary On The Ḥadīth of ʿĀʾishah
- The Ijmāʿ (consensus) of The Islāmic Scholars On The Permissibility of Early Marriages such as:
- Al Ḥafid Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī “The ijmāʿ from the scholars of the permissibility of the fathers giving their young girls in marriage even if they are in the cradle. However it being impermissible to consummate the marriage until the girl is older enough”
- Imām An Nawawī “At the time of marriage of a young girl, when there is a mutual agreement from the father and the husband to be, if there will be no harm that would come about from it”
- Ibn Qudāmah al-Maqdisī “As for the girl getting married young then there is no difference of opinions in regards to it”
- The Practice of Early Marriages By The Ṣaḥābah
Class 32 – Download / Listen [17:29 mins] | [الدرس الثاني والثلاثون – تحميل / استماع [١٧:٢٩ دقيقة
Date: 2nd Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal, 1443 AH (9th October 2021 CE) الثاني من ربيع الاول ١٤٤٣
Points Covered by The Shaykh:
- A Comparative Look At The Issue of Early Marriage Between Western Societies And Islāmic Societies
- Statistics From Western Societies Showing The Permissibility of Early Marriage
- The Difference Between Girls Living In Tropical Climates And Colder Climates
- The Difference Between Rural And Metropolitan Areas In Relation To Marriage
- The Advantages of Living In Rural Areas
- The Disadvantages of Living In Metropolitan Areas
- The Practice of Present Day Societies With Regards To Stopping Early Marriage Due To Being Influenced By The Western Educational System
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