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How Can We Differentiate Between A Bad Dream And A True Dream That Is A Warning by Shaykh Zakariyyah ibn Shuʿayb al-ʿAdanī
Wednesday, 05 May 2021
by yarycling
Pivotal Quote “The bad dream that is scary (i.e. a nightmare), this comes from shayṭān, so this is not a warning of something. Whenever you wake up and you are scared of what you saw in the dream, this is not a true dream that is warning you against something, rather this is from shayṭān.“
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Is Dream Interpretation Considered Authentic Knowledge And If So Are There Any Books To Learn It by Shaykh Zakariyyah ibn Shuʿayb al-ʿAdanī
Wednesday, 05 May 2021
by yarycling
Pivotal Quote “Yes, this is knowledge, and Allāh (عز وجل) says in Sūrah Yūsuf when the king asked the men in his court whether or not they could interpret his dream, they responded saying, ﴾ وَمَا نَحْنُ بِتَأْوِيلِ ٱلْأَحْلَٰمِ بِعَٰلِمِينَ ﴿ “…and we are not skilled in the interpretation of dreams.” [Sūrah Yūsuf 12:44] So
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Is It Permissible For a Muslim To Help Pay Funeral Costs For Their Non-Muslim Parents? by Shaykh Dr. Abdulillāh Lahmami
Wednesday, 05 May 2021
by yarycling
Weekly Questions & Answers – 2021.01.10 – Question #2 The questioner asked: The Questioner asked: Is it permissible for a Muslim to help pay funeral costs for their non-muslim parents? The post Is It Permissible For a Muslim To Help Pay Funeral Costs For Their Non-Muslim Parents? by Shaykh Dr. Abdulillāh Lahmami appeared first on
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Can The Evil Eye Affect One’s Wealth and Property by Shaykh Dr. Abdulillāh Lahmami
Wednesday, 05 May 2021
by yarycling
Weekly Questions & Answers – 2021.01.10 – Question #1 The questioner asked: I have crops and I noticed that they died suddenly without any interference, even though I took care of them, watered them etc. Is it possible that these crops can be given bad eye? Or if touched by a jealous person get, what
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Is It True That Saudi Arabia Has Destroyed Yemen and Killed Innocent Women and Children There by Shaykh Zakariyyah ibn Shuʿayb al-ʿAdanī
Wednesday, 05 May 2021
by yarycling
Pivotal Quotes “The reality [and the Shaykh is a Yemenī living in Yemen] of what Saudi Arabia has done for our country is that these are shining white hands that have been extended forth and they have helped us and stood by us and we continue to live in the shade of all the help
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Can A Muslim Inherit From Non-Muslim Parents If Given Before Death by Shaykh Dr. Abdulillāh Lahmami
Wednesday, 05 May 2021
by yarycling
Weekly Questions & Answers – 2021.01.10 – Question #3 The questioner asked: Am I allowed to inherit from my deceased parent what was put into an account in my name before they died? The post Can A Muslim Inherit From Non-Muslim Parents If Given Before Death by Shaykh Dr. Abdulillāh Lahmami appeared first on Questions
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Does Ḥajj or Hijrah Take Precedence by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī
Wednesday, 05 May 2021
by yarycling
Pivotal Quote “Hijrah takes precedence because hijrah is a perseveration of one’s dīn. And this is well known when asked to the scholars…” سؤال وجواب – عربي – ٠:٤٠ دقائق Question and Answer – English [2:28] Question: Which takes precedence, making Ḥajj or making Hijrah? Answer: Hijrah takes precedence because hijrah is a
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Is It Permissible To Learn The Qurʾān With The Intention To Teach It by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī
Wednesday, 05 May 2021
by yarycling
Pivotal Quote “This person will be one of those whom the Messenger of Allāh (صلى الله عليه وسلم) addressed when he said, “The best of you are those who learn the Qurʾān and teach it to others.” When a person has the intention while memorising the Book of Allāh to worship Allāh, to come closer
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Advice To A Revert Whose Mother Is Hostile To Islam and Tries To Encourage Upon Sins and Disobedience by Shaykh Ḥasan Ṣomālī
Wednesday, 05 May 2021
by yarycling
Question: I am a revert sister and my mother is a non-Muslim, she is an open enemy to Islām and actively calls me to disobedience and disbelief. Alhamdulillāh I do not live in her house and I am married. However, whenever I visit her, she tries to make me drink alcohol and encourages me
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How Can Brothers Overcome The Struggle Between The Street Life and Their Islam by Shaykh Ḥasan Ṣomālī
Wednesday, 05 May 2021
by yarycling
Question: Many brothers here are caught between the street life and their desire to be Muslim, however the street life is much more appealing and its call overpowers that of the call of the life of Islām. Most times they lose the struggle and give in to the life of the street, for example,
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