Tafsīr of The Last Juz of The Qur’an by Shaykh Dr. Abdulillāh Lahmami
Tuesday, 12 October 2021
by Abu Zaynab Yusuf Diab
Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd Muwahhideen Publication is pleased to announce a bi-weekly LIVE video lesson taught by Shaykh Dr. Abdulillāh Lahmami on the explanation the last juz of The Qur’an, in conjunction with The “Salafi Sisters of Trinidad Quran Support Group & Book Club” and “Ummahaatul Mu’mineen Institute.”
- Published in Classes, Events, Qur'an, Shaykh Dr. Abdulillah Lahmami, Speaker, Topic, Video, Video Class