Bismillaah wa -Alhamdulillaah wa Salaatu wa Salaam ‘alaa Rasulillaah ‘amma ba’d
The Noble Shaykh ‘Abdullah an-Najmi (May Allah Preserve Him) from the mashaayikh of Jeezan, Saudi Arabia will deliver a LIVE tele-lecture with Muwahhideen Publications on Friday 26th April 2013. The Shaykh is a student of Ash-Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmi (rahimahullah) and Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullah). This event will be broadcast LIVE in Masjid Ibn ‘Abbaas, Tobago, two masaajid in Trinidad, Masjid ul Khaleefah and Masjid us Sunnah, and six Masaajid in the U.S. Masjid Al-Bukhaari, Florida, Masjid Ibn ‘Abbas, Georgia, Masjid Uthaymeen, New Jersey, Masjid Nur Allaah, New York, Masjid as-Sahabah, Ohio and Masjid Tawheed, Michigan.
This lecture event will be translated LIVE into English In shaa Allah.
Allah says in His Book,
“O you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones” [At-Tahrim: 6]
Regarding this verse, the following narrations were reported from the Salaf –
‘Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (radhiyAllahu ‘anhu): “Discipline them, teach them.”
Ibn ‘Abbaas (radhiyAllahu ‘anhum): “Stay obedient to Allah, stay away from disobeying Allah and command your families to remember Allah, and He will save you from the Fire.”
Mujaahid (rahimahullah): “Fear Allah and obey him (practice taqwa) and tell your families to practice taqwa.”
Qataadah (rahimahullah): “A person protects his family by telling them to obey Allah and forbidding them from disobeying Him. He upholds Allah’s commandments and helps his family to uphold them. So if you see some disobedience of Allah you stop them from doing it, and you reprimand them.” [Al-Tabarî, Al-Tafsîr, Sûrah Al-Tahrîm] [From]
The Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Every one of you (people) is a shepherd. And every one is responsible for whatever falls under his responsibility. A man is like a shepherd of his own family, and he is responsible for them.”
So parents have a responsibility to teach their children the affairs of this religion; the most important being the matter of ‘Aqeedah as this is the foundation to all success and rectification.
Shaykh ‘Abdullah an-Najmi (hafidhahullah) will admonish us concerning this crucial topic and explain to us the extreme importance of teaching our children the correct ‘Aqeedah.
We ask Allah to guide us to His Straight Path and make us firm upon it and may He, Al-Haafidh protect us and our children from all evil.
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InshaaAllah ta’alaa
Wa Billahi Tawfeeq
Wa SallAllahu wa Sallaama wa Barak ‘alaa Nabiyanna Muhammad wa ‘alaa ‘Alyhi wa Sahbyhi wa Sallam
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