Bismillāh wa-Alḥamdulillāh wa al-Ṣalātu wa al-Salām ʿalá Rasūl Allāh ʿamma baʿd
MPUBS Sisters Africa, in conjunction with Ma’ahad Sheikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in Pongwe Tanzania, has organized a seminar with our Shaykh Muṣṭafá George (may Allāh preserve him) entitled Tanzania Daʿwah Trip. We ask Allāh The Mighty and Majestic to give us beneficial knowledge that manifests into righteous actions and place this effort in our scale of good deeds on the day of reckoning.
The sessions are streamed via YouTube and conveniently embedded on for ease of access Tune in LIVE via:
In Shāʾ Allāh Taʿālá
Wa Billāhi Tawfīq
Listen to previous sessions below
Khutbah (Audio Only) – [19:22 mins]
Date: 19th January, 2024 CE
Shaykh Muṣṭafá George (حفظه الله) mentioned the following points:
It is obligatory for the Muslim to show gratitude to Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى) for His blessings.
- Surely, there is no blessing that you have, except that it is from Allāh.
- If you were to try to count the blessings of Allāh, you would not be able to count them.
- Do you not see that Allāh has brought out everything in the heavens and everything in the earth and Allāh has covered you with his hidden blessings and outward blessings.
- The Muslim should acknowledge the blessings that Allāh has bestowed upon him, that which is hidden and that which is apparent.
- If you do not acknowledge those blessings, how can you be grateful for them.
- Imām Al-Ṭabarī (رحمه الله) said, ‘Allāh gave us what is in the sky the sun, moon, stars, and clouds. In the earth Allāh gave us the animals, the oceans, the ships that sail throughout the ocean. And Allāh gave us other than that for your benefit so you can have good.
- Imām Al-Qurṭubi (رحمه الله) said, and Allāh gave us the angels that surround us and give us that which is beneficial and protect us.
Allāh’s (سبحانه و تعالى) blessings are more specific to the believers.
- The greatest blessing upon us is the religion of Islām.
- Allāh mentioned in Sūrah Al-Mā’idah,
‘Today I have perfected your religion, and I have completed my favor upon you and I am pleased with Islām as your religion.’
- Imām Ibn Kathīr (رحمه الله) said, ‘this is the greatest blessing that Allāh has bestowed on the ummah of Muḥammad ﷺ. Allāh perfected their religion so they do not need another religion or another prophet.
- Islām is the religion that Allāh is pleased with and loves.
- Islām is the religion that Allāh sent the best of his prophets with and the best of His Books.
- We remind ourselves with being grateful to Allāh.
- Allāh said, ‘Say, in the bounties of Allāh (Islām) and His Mercy, this is what we should be grateful for. That is better than everything they have.’
Wealth and property is not an indication that Allāh loves you.
- Allāh says, ‘but Allāh is the One that made belief beloved to you, and He beautified it in your hearts. Allāh has made disbelief and sin disliked to you.’
- We should not become amazed with our piety, it is only from the bounty of Allāh.
- You are not doing Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى) a favor by being pious, rather Allāh has done a favor to you.
- It is not because you are perfect or pure that Allāh guided you to Islām, it is because of the bounty of Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى) upon you.
- The best blessing is the guidance of Islām.
- It is obligatory to remember the reasons why blessings continue.
If a Muslim is not grateful for the blessings he has, Allāh will remove those blessings, and that is not difficult for Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى).
- And Allāh said, ‘And if you are grateful, I will increase you (in blessings), and if you are ungrateful, then my punishment is severe.’
- Ibn Kathir said, ‘If you are ungrateful, Allāh will remove the blessing and will punish you for having it, because you did not show gratitude’
- Imām Ḥassan Al-Baṣrī (رحمه الله) said, ‘Allāh will give a blessing, and you can enjoy that blessing as long as you want. But if you are not grateful, Allāh will turn that blessing into a punishment. If you are grateful, Allāh will bless it for you. But if you are ungrateful, Allāh will turn it around to a punishment.’
- Ḥassan Al-Baṣrī (رحمه الله) said, ‘the salaf used to say, gratitude protects and preserves blessings because if you are grateful, that gratitude will protect what you have.’
- They used to say gratitude is ‘that which brings new blessings.’
The Ummah Needs Mothers and Daughters Like These by Shaykh Muṣṭafá George (Audio Only) – [41:56 mins]
Date: 21st January, 2024 CE
Shaykh Muṣṭafá George (حفظه الله) mentioned the following points:
- The Virtues Of Seeking Knowledge
- Sisters Have An Important Role In Seeking Knowledge And Taking Care Of The Family.
- Some Scholars View That The Responsibility May Be Greater Upon The Wives Because They Spend More Time With The Children.
- Exemplary Mothers That The Believing Women Should Emulate
- The Sacrifice That Brought Umm Sulaym (رضى الله عنها) Great Benefit.
- The Mother Of Imām Mālik Ibn Anas (رحمه الله) Would Adorn Him For Seeking Knowledge.
- Imām Aḥmad Ibn Ḥanbal (رحمه الله) Would Invite His Sons To Admire The Scholars.
- A Mother Travelled For Ḥajj And Left Her Son Under The Care Of The Scholars Of Makkah: The Story Of Imām Muhammad Ibn Ismaʿīl Al-Bukhārī (رحمه الله)
- Mothers! What Are You Doing With The Blessing That Allāh Has Given You?
- When The Son Of Ādam Dies, All His Good Deeds Come To An End Except For Three:
- Shaykh Muqbil Bin Hādī Al-Wādiʿī (رحمه الله) Gave Private Lessons To His Family.
- Shaykh Al-Albānī’s Daughter (رحمهما الله) Used To Write For Him When He Could No Longer Write.
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