Product Description
Speaker: Abu Afnaan Muhammad ‘Abdullah
Country of Speaker: United States
Category: Fiqh
Download / Listen – 04.04.2020 – Class 01 [51:01 mins]
[Points Covered In This Lesson]:
- The Merits & Virtues of Seeking Knowledge
- Textual Evidences From The Qur’ān & Sunnah Regarding The Excellence of Seeking Knowledge
- Statements From The Salaf Regarding Seeking Knowledge
- The Importance of Studying Fiqh (Islāmic Jurisprudence)
- The Definition & A Detailed Explanation of The Term Fiqh
- A Short Biography of The Author
- The Styles of Writings of The Scholars
- The Different Explanations of Akhṣar al-Mukhtaṣarāt
[Text of The Book]
Kitāb As-Ṣiyām
The First Issue: Upon Whom The Fast of Ramaḍān Is Obligatory: It Is Obligatory Upon Each Muslim, Who Has His Normal Mental Facilities, Has Reached The Age of Puberty & Is Able To Fast, To Fast The Month of Ramaḍān
[Points Covered In This Section]
- Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān’s حفظه الله Explanation of The Book of Fasting From Akhṣar al-Mukhtaṣarāt
- The Definition & Explanation of Kitāb
- The Definition & Explanation of Ṣiyām
- The Explanation of The Conditions For The Obligatory Fast
- Textual Evidences From The Qur’ān & Sunnah Regarding The Obligatory Fast of Ramaḍān
- Textual Evidences From The Qur’ān & Sunnah Concerning The Conditions of The Obligatory Fasting
[Text of The Book]
The Second Issue: What Is The Indicator That The Month of Ramaḍān Has Started: Upon The Sighting of The New Moon
[Points Covered In This Section]
- The Explanation of The Three Indicators Mentioned by The Author of Sighting The New Moon of Ramaḍān & The Ending of The Month of Ramaḍān
- Textual Evidences From The Qur’ān & Sunnah Regarding Establishing The Sighting of The New Moon of Ramaḍān & The Ending of The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Importance of Having The Correct ‘Aqīdah
Download / Listen – 08.04.2020 – Class 02 [56:20 mins]
[Text of The Book]
The Third Issue: (Strictly In The Ḥanbalī Madhab) Muslims Go Out On The 30th Night of Sha’bān, The Sky Is Dusty, The Next Day Will Be The Start of Ramaḍān & It Is Obligatory To Fast The Next Day.
The Fourth Issue: If The Moon Appears During The Day, It Doesn’t Mean That Moon Was For The Previous Night& It Wasn’t Established. Rather The Moon Must Be Established During The Night.
The Fifth Issue: If A Person Meets The Conditions of The Fast Being Obligatory Upon Him During The Day Time in Ramaḍān, Or A Traveller That Returns To His Land of Residence. Or A Woman Who Has Become Pure From Her Menses & Post Natal Bleeding During The Day of Ramaḍān Then It Is Obligatory On These People To Refrain For The Remainder of The Day & They Are To Make Up For That Day.
The Sixth Issue: A Person Who Was Excused From Fasting And The Excuse No Longer Exists. And That Excuse Was Removed During The Daytime In Ramaḍān. Then They Must Refrain From Anything That Nullifies The Fast For The Remainder of The Day & They Must Make Up For That Day
The Seventh Issue: The Individual Who Broke His Fast Due To Old Age or An Uncureable Illness, Must Feed A Poor Person For Each Day He Missed In Ramaḍān
The Eighth Issue: The Sick Person Who Finds It Difficult To Fast
The Ninth Issue: Fasting During Traveling
[Points Covered In The Lesson]
- The Importance of Having Ikhlāṣ (Sincerity)
- The Reasons To Seek Beneficial Islāmic Knowledge
- Recap of The Previous Lesson
- The Explanation Regarding The Ḥanbalī Madhab Opinion of 30th Night of Sha’bān
- Textual Evidences The Ḥanbalī Madhab Cite For Their Opinion
- The Rulings Regarding The Sighting of The Moon
- The Ruling of The 30th Night of Sha’bān
- Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-‘Uthaymtīn’s Explanation Regarding The 30th Night of Sha’bān
- Shaykh AbdurRaḥmān ibn Nāṣir al-Sa’dī’s Explanation Concerning The 30th Night of Sha’bān
- The Explanation Regarding Sighting The Moon During The Daytime
- The Conditions For The Obligatory Fast
- The Explanation of The Principle Regarding For The One Who Has An Excuse In The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Allowance of Excuses For An Individual To Break His Fast In Ramaḍān
- The Explanation & Rulings Pertaining To Making Up Missed Ramaḍān Fasts
- The Categories of People Regarding Making Up Missed Ramaḍān Fasts
- The Five Categories of People Related To Fasting
- The Ruling Regarding The Pregnant & Breast Feeding Woman In The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Categories of The Sick In Ramaḍān
- The Rulings Regarding The Traveller In The Month of Ramaḍān
Download / Listen – 11.04.2020 – Class 03 [44:19 mins]
[Text of The Book]
The Tenth Issue: If The Pregnant Woman or The Breastfeeding Woman, Either One of Them Is In Fear of Her Own Health & Well Being Then What Is Obligatory Upon Her Is To Make Up The Fast Only (That She Broke In The Month of Ramaḍān)
The Eleventh Issue: If She The Pregnant Woman or The Breastfeeding Woman Fears For Her Child Then In Addition To Making Up The Fast She Feeds A Poor Person For Each Day She’s Missed. And That Feeding of The Poor Person Is Obligatory Upon The One Who Spends Upon The Child.
The Twelfth Issue: The Rulings Pertaining To The Individual Who Loses His Normal Mental Faculties- Whoever Loses Consciousness or Loses His Mental Faculties Then His Fasting Is Invalid.
The Thirteenth Issue: The Ruling of Specificing One’s Intention For An Obligatory Fast
The Fourteenth Issue: The Time For Specificing One’s Intention For A Non-Obligatory Fast
The Fifteenth Issue: The Explanation of Those Things That Break The Fast & The Rulings Pertaining To Them
[Points Covered In The Lesson]
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The Rulings Pertaining To The Pregnant & Breast Feeding Woman In The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Categories of The Pregnant & Breast Feeding Woman In Month of Ramaḍān
- The Speech & Opinions of Various Scholars Regarding The Fast of The Pregnant & Breast Feeding Woman In Ramaḍān
- The Differences of Opinions Amgonst The Scholars In Regards To The Pregnant & Breast Feeding Woman’s Fast In Ramaḍān
- Textual Evidences Regarding The Pregnant & Breast Feeding Woman’s Fast In The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Explanation of Feeding A Poor Person For Those Unable To Fast In Ramaḍān
- The Explanation & Ruling Concerning The Individual Who Loses Consciousness In The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Explanation & Ruling Pertaining To The Individual Who Loses His Mental Faculties In The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Speech of The Scholars Dealing With The Individual Who’s Lost Consciousness & Has Lost His Mental Faculties In The Month of Ramaḍān
- The Explanation Regarding Specificing One’s Intention For An Obligatory Fast Before The Appearance of Fajr
- Evidences Concerning Specificing One’s Intention For An Obligatory Fast Before The Appearance of Fajr
- The Explanation Regarding The Time of Specifying One’s Intention For An Non-Obligatory Fast
- The Explanation & Evidences of The Nullifiers of The Fast
Download / Listen – 15.04.2020 – Class 04 [53:53 mins]
[Text of The Book]
The Fifteenth Issue: The Explanation of Those Things That Break The Fast & The Rulings Pertaining To Them.
- Whoever Enters Anything Into His Stomach Or Through A Passageway That Leads To The Stomach (Like The Throat) From Whatever Part of The Body It Enters Then It BreaksThe Fast Except For The Man’s Penis Then In This Case It Doesn’t Break The Fast.
- Or If A Person Swallows Mucus Which Comes From His Throat Then Reaches His Mouth & He Swallows It Then This Breaks His Fast.
- Or He Vomits Intentionally
- Or He Masturbates
- Or The He Has Foreplay With His Wife, Skin To Skin Without Penetration To The Point He Ejaculates Then It Breaks His Fast
- Or If He Engages In Foreplay With No Penetration But Pre-Ejaculates Then This Breaks His Fast. Or If He Repeatedly Looks At A Woman & He Ejaculates Then He Breaks His Fast. However, If He Simply Thinks & Ejaculates Then This Does Not Nullify His Fast
- Or If A Person Discontinued His Intention To Fast Then This Breaks His Fast.
- If The Person Gives Ḥijāma (Cupping) Or Receives Ḥijāma Then It Breaks The Fast
With Regards To These Nullifers That Break The Fast, Conditions Must Be In Place Before The Fast Is Nullified. From These Conditions Are 1. The Individual Does The Nullifers of The Fast Intentionally 2. The Individual Carries Out The Nullifers of The Fast From His Own Choice 3. The Individual Is Aware He Is Fasting
In Addition To All The Nullifers That Have Been Mentioned, If The Individual Exaggerates Too Much Water Into His Mouth& It Reaches His Throat Unintentionally This Wouldn’t Nullify His Fast Even If He Repeated This More Than Three Times. However It Is Dislike To Do So
[Points Covered In The Lesson]
- A Detailed Explanation Concerning What Breaks The Fast
- The Conditions In Which The Fast Is Broken
- The Foundations of What Breaks The Fast
- Statements From The Scholars Regarding Those Things Which Breaks The Fast
- The Ruling Regarding Ejaculation Pertaining To Fasting
- The Ruling Regarding Masturbation
- The Ruling Regarding Ḥijāma Pertaining To Fasting
- The Ruling Regarding Donating Blood While Fasting
- The Ruling Regarding The Intention For Fasting An Obligatory Fast
- The Ruling Regarding Swallowing Mucus
- Textual Evidences From The Qur’ān & Sunnah Regarding What Breaks The Fast
Download / Listen – 22.04.2020 – Class 06 [59:39 mins]
[Text of The Book]
The Twentieth Issue: The Rulings Pertaining To Making Up Ramaḍān Fasts- It Is Recommended For The Person To Make Up The Fast Consecutively Without Breaks & To Make Them Up Immediately After Ramaḍān If He Is Able. And It Is Prohibited In Delaying Making Up His Fasts Till The Next Ramaḍān Without A Vaild Excuse. And If He Delays In Making Up His Fasts Till The Next Ramaḍān Then It Is Obligatory Upon Him To Feed A Poor Person For Each Day He’s Missed
The Twentieth First Issue: The Rulings Pertaining To The One Who Dies & Has Days Left To Make Up From The Month of Ramaḍān or Has Days To Make Up From A Nadhr (covenant/vow) Fast.- If The Person Was Negligent & He Was Able To Make Up But He Didn’t Make Up Days He Missed From Ramaḍān, Even Before The Next Ramaḍān Then A Poor Person Is Fed For Each Day He’s Missed From The Wealth He Had Left Behind. And This Person Is Not Fasted On Behalf of Him To Make Up For His Missed Fasts.
The Twentieth Second Issue: If A Person Dies & He Had Obligatory Actions Upon Him Because of A Nadhr (covenant/vow) He Had Made Obligatory Upon Himself, Then If He Had Left Behind Wealth, Then The Money Is Taken Away From That Wealth To Fulfill The Obligation. And If He Had Not Left Behind Any Wealth, It Is Obligatory Upon Those That Can Inherit From Him To Carry Out Those Actions Upon His Behalf.
The Twentieth Third Issue: The Fasting Which Are Recommended After The Obligatory Fasts – There Are Eight Recommended Fasts Which Are As Follows;
1st) The Three White Days of Each Month
2nd) Mondays & Thursdays
3rd) The Six Days of Shawwāl
4th) The Month of Muḥarram
5th) The 10th of Muḥarram
6th) The Nine Days of Dhūl al-Ḥijjah
7th) The Day of ‘Arafah
8th) The Best Fast A Person Can Fast Is The Fast of Dāwūd Which Is To Fast One Day& Break Fast For The Other Day
The Twentieth Fourth Issue: The Days That Are Prohibited To Fast
1st) The Days of Eid For All Muslims
2nd) The Days of Tashrīq
3rd) To Single Out The Month of Rajab
4th) Fridays
5th) Saturdays
6th) The Day of Doubt (30th Sha’bān)
[Points Covered In The Lesson]
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The Rulings Pertaining To Making Up Ramaḍān Fasts
- The Categories of People Regarding Making Up Missed Ramaḍān Fasts
- The Position of The Scholars Regarding The Negligent Person As It Pertains To Making Up Missed Ramaḍān Fasts
- The Rulings Regarding Making Up Fasts For The Dead
- Statements From The Scholars Regarding Making Up Fasts For The Dead
- The Rulings Regarding The Person Who Dies & Had Obligatory Actions Upon Him
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The Recommended Fasts
- A Detailed Explanation Regarding The Prohibited Days To Fast
- The Ruling Regarding Making Up Ramaḍān Fast Before Fasting
- The Six Days of Shawwāl
- The Conditions For An Action To Be Upon The Sunnah