Product Description
Name of Speaker: Abū Ḥakīm Bilāl
Category: Advice
Date: 9th May, 2021
Length: [30:07] Minutes
Points Covered in the Lecture:
- Allāh tests us with various affairs to see how the believer will respond; this is the true test of īmān.
- Do not look at the favors given to the non-Muslims; Allāh tests the believers because He loves them.
- The Muslim is living in the non-Muslim lands under an agreement to be law-abiding citizens.
- Urgency of making Hijrah due to the comprises of living in these lands.
- The believer is not affected by the lockdown.
- The believer sees this lockdown as an opportunity to reap rewards in lessons of patience.
- The believer sees this trial as a means for expiation of sins.
- The believer sees this trial as khair from Allāh because he understands that all of his affairs are good.
- The believer uses this time to draw closer to his/her family.
- The believer is to benefit his free-time in studying the dīn.
- The believer is to look to those who are beneath him so that he appreciates what he has and does not despair.