eBook: Some Salafi Principles and Benefits Derived From The Treatise of Imaam al-Sijzee To The People of Zabeed Refuting Those Who Deny That Allaah’s Speech Consists of Letters and Sound by Shaykh Khalid ibn Dahwee adh-Dhafeeree
Thursday, 24 November 2016
by yarycling
The following Ebook, translated by our brother Abū Afnān Muḥammad ‘Abd Allāh (حفظه الله), with express permission from and compiled by Shaykh Khālid Ibn Ḍaḥwī al-Ẓafīrī (حفظه الله) who said: “I have read this noble and profound treatise of al-Imām Abī Naṣr al-Sijzī (رحمه الله) in his refutation of those who deny (Allāh’s Speech consisting of) sound and letters.
- Published in eBooks, Manhaj, Publications, Shaykh Khalid ibn Dahwee adh-Dhafeeri